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NABIELLA DESSIANY W, dr. Lutfan Lazuardi, M.Kes., PhD


Latar Belakang: Pandemi COVID-19 meningkatkan urgensi fasilitas kesehatan termasuk Klinik Utama NMM untuk mengurangi pelayanan secara langsung kepada pasien untuk mengurangi penyebaran COVID-19. Pengembangan dan pemanfaatan platform telemedicine yang sesuai di Klinik Utama NMM memerlukan kesiapan dari dokter maupun manajerial Tujuan: Penelitian ini akan mengeksplorasi persepsi dan kesiapan dokter dan manajerial dalam pengimplementasian telemedicine di Klinik Utama NMM dengan model Technology Acceptance Model Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kualitatif dengan rancangan action research. Responden berjumlah sepuluh orang stakeholder di Klinik Utama NMM, menggunakan wawancara mendalam untuk menilai kesiapan pengguna sebagai acuan dalam menentukan bentuk telemedicine dengan menyusun kerangka dan skema pelayanan telemedicine Hasil dan Pembahasan: Sepuluh responden yang berpartisipasi pernah menggunakan telemedicine sebelumnya. Keseluruhan responden menunjukkan kesiapan dalam mengimplementasi telemedicine di Klinik Utama NMM dan menghendaki penggunaan fitur videocall di WhatsApp dengan memadukan kemajuan teknologi dengan pengelolaan manual yang disebut peneliti sebagai hybrid telemedicine Kesimpulan dan Saran: Dokter dan manajerial Klinik Utama NMM menunjukkan kesiapan dalam penggunaan dan pemanfaatan hybrid telemedicine. Sosialisasi, edukasi, evaluasi terhadap pengimplementasian telemedicine harus dilakukan untuk dapat menyediakan layanan sesuai kebutuhan

Background: COVID-19 pandemic increases the urgency of health care facilities, including at Klinik Utama NMM to proactively reduce direct services in order suppress the spread of COVID-19 through the development and use of telemedicine. Availability of infrastructure and readiness of users, especially doctors, are needed to assess readiness in developing telemedicine services Objective: This study explores the perception of users to assess readiness for telemedicine implementation at Klinik Utama NMM in the era and post-COVID-19 pandemic with the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM). Methods: This research is a qualitative descriptive study with action research design. The participants were ten stakeholders at Klinik Utama NMM, using in-depth interviews to assess user readiness in developing telemedicine services in the era and post-COVID-19 pandemic. The results are used as a reference in determining the form of telemedicine that is suitable to be developed by developing a framework for this telemedicine Result and Discussion: A total of ten respondents stated that they had used telemedicine before. Overall, the respondents showed readiness to implement telemedicine at Klinik Utama NMM and wanted to use the video call feature on WhatsApp by combining technological advances with manual management which the researchers called hybrid telemedicine Conclusion and Recommendation: Stakeholders at Klinik Utama NMM show readiness in the use and utilization of hybrid telemedicine. Socialization of support, education, evaluation of the implementation of telemedicine must be carried out to be able to provide services according to the needs of doctors and patients as users

Kata Kunci : telemedicine, kesiapan, action research, technology acceptance model, telemedicine, readiness, action research, technology acceptance model

  1. S2-2021-448508-abstract.pdf  
  2. S2-2021-448508-bibliography.pdf  
  3. S2-2021-448508-tableofcontent.pdf  
  4. S2-2021-448508-title.pdf