Laporkan Masalah


MILA SEPTIANI, Fatkurrohman, S.IP., M.Si. CHE

2021 | Tugas Akhir | D3 PARIWISATA

Persaingan dunia kerja saat ini mengharuskan para pencari kerja untuk memiliki pengalaman kerja yang salah satunya didapatkan dari pelatihan. THE 1O1 Yogyakarta Tugu Hotel merupakan salah satu hotel yang membuka tempat pelatihan kerja di dunia pariwisata yang dikenal dengan On the Job Training. Proses pencarian peserta OJT dilakukan oleh Human Resources Department melalui berbagai tahapan seleksi hingga menemukan kandidat terbaik. Peserta pelatihan terpilih akan dijelaskan mengenai tata tertib peserta selama OJT berlangsung. Tujuan dilakukannya penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui penerapan tata tertib peserta OJT di THE 1O1 Yogyakarta Tugu Hotel. Peneliti dalam penulisan Tugas Akhir ini menggunakan penelitian kualitatif partisipatoris dengan teknik pengumpulan data berupa observasi partisipatif, wawancara semi terstruktur, dan dokumentasi. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa penerapan tata tertib peserta peserta OJT di THE 1O1 Yogyakarta Tugu Hotel secara keseluruhan telah berjalan dengan baik namun belum maksimal terbukti dengan masih adanya beberapa pelanggaran tata tertib seperti masalah ketetapan waktu, periode pelatihan, dan standar grooming peserta.

Job competition today requires job seekers to have work experience, one of which is obtained from training. THE 1O1 Yogyakarta Tugu Hotel is one of the hotels that opened a job training place in the world of tourism known as On the Job Training (OJT). The process of seeking for trainees is carried out by the Human Resources Department through various stages of selection to find the best candidates. Selected trainees will be explained about the trainees rules & regulations during the OJT. The purpose of this research is to find out the implementation of trainees rules & regulations at THE 1O1 Yogyakarta Tugu Hotel. Researchers in writing this Final Task use participatory qualitative research with data collection techniques in the form of participatory observations, semi-structured interviews, and documentation. The results of this study indicated that the implementation of the trainees rules & regulations at THE 1O1 Yogyakarta Tugu Hotel as a whole has been going well but has not been maximally proven by the existence of several violations of the the trainees rules & regulations such as the issue of time determination, training period, and grooming standards of trainees.

Kata Kunci : Tata Tertib, Peserta Pelatihan, THE 1O1 Yogyakarta Tugu Hotel, On the Job Training, Human Resources Department

  1. D3-2021-416443-abstract.pdf  
  2. D3-2021-416443-bibliography.pdf  
  3. D3-2021-416443-tableofcontent.pdf  
  4. D3-2021-416443-title.pdf