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Penilaian Penerapan Good Manufacturing Practices di PT Batu Bhumi Suryatama, Kota Batu, Jawa Timur

ELFIRA INDRIYANTI, Ika Restu Revulaningtyas, S.T.P., M.Sc.

2021 | Tugas Akhir | D3 AGROINDUSTRI

PT Batu Bhumi Suryatama merupakan salah satu industri yang mengolah buah apel menjadi produk minuman sari buah apel dengan merek Flamboyan. Pengolahan minuman sari buah apel harus diperhatikan dengan baik agar menghasilkan produk yang berkualitas dan aman dikonsumsi. Akan tetapi dalam kegiatan proses produksinya masih ditemui banyak penyimpangan antara lain higiene karyawan belum sesuai seperti pekerja tidak memakai APD dan perilaku pekerja yang menyimpang, bangunan dan fasilitas belum terpenuhi dengan baik, pengendalian hama belum sesuai serta masih banyak penyimpangan dalam kegiatan proses produksi. Pengolahan minuman sari buah apel harus memperhatikan higiene sanitasi pangan olahan sehingga mencegah terjadinya bahaya kontaminasi pada produk dan dapat dipercaya konsumen. Tugas Akhir ini dilakukan untuk menilai penerapan Good Manufacturing Practices (GMPs) yang ada di PT Batu Bhumi Suryatama. Penilaian dilakukan dengan mengisi borang yang ditinjau dari 12 aspek Pedoman Cara Produksi Pangan Olahan yang Baik (CPPOB) berdasarkan Peraturan Menteri Perindustrian RI No. 75/M- IND/PER/7/2010. Penilaian menggunakan CPPOB 2010 dinilai sesuai dengan kondisi industri skala menengah ke atas serta belum ada penelitian yang menggunakan pedoman GMPs. Penilaian ketidaksesuaian GMPs dianalisis lebih lanjut dengan Diagram Pareto, Diagram Ishikawa, dan analisis Five Whys. Hasil penilaian penerapan GMPs PT Batu Bhumi Suryatama menunjukkan 67,63% telah sesuai dan 32,37% tidak sesuai dengan CPPOB 2010. Ketidaksesuaian tertinggi disebabkan oleh 3 dari 12 aspek yaitu aspek bangunan, fasilitas sanitasi, serta pemeliharaan dan program sanitasi. Penyebab ketidaksesuaian penerapan GMPs pada aspek bangunan disebabkan oleh sub aspek jendela dan ventilasi, pada aspek fasilitas sanitasi disebabkan oleh sub aspek sarana dan higiene karyawan, dan pada aspek pemeliharaan dan program sanitasi disebabkan oleh sub aspek program pengendalian hama. Penyusunan SSOP dilakukan sebagai saran perbaikan untuk aspek dengan ketidaksesuaian tertinggi yaitu aspek bangunan.

PT Batu Bhumi Suryatama is one of the industries that process apples into apple juice beverage products with flamboyant brand.Processing of apple juice drinks must be considered well in order to produce quality products and safe to consume.However, in the production process activities are still found many deviations, among others, employee hygiene is not appropriate such as workers do not use PPE and the behavior of workers who deviate, buildings and facilities have not been fulfilled properly, pest control is not appropriate and there are still many irregularities in production process activities.Processing of apple juice drinks should pay attention to hygiene sanitation of processed food so as to prevent the occurrence of contamination hazards in products and can be trusted by consumers.This final task was done to assess the implementation of Good Manufacturing Practices (GMPs) at PT Batu Bhumi Suryatama. The assessment was conducted by filling out a form reviewed from 12 aspects of the Guidelines for How to Produce Good Processed Food (CPPOB) based on the Regulation of the Minister of Industry of the Republic of Indonesia No.75/M- IND/PER/7/2010.Assessment using CPPOB 2010 is assessed in accordance with the conditions of medium-scale industrial and above and there has been no research using GMPs guidelines.The assessment of GMPs discrepancies was further analyzed with Pareto Diagram, Ishikawa Diagram, and Five Whys analysis.The assessment of gmps implementation of PT Batu Bhumi Suryatama showed that 67.63% was appropriate and 32.37% was not in accordance with CPPOB 2010.The highest discrepancies are caused by 3 out of 12 aspects, namely the aspects of buildings, sanitation facilities, as well as maintenance and sanitation programs.The cause of the discrepancy in the application of GMPs on the building aspect is caused by the window and ventilation sub-aspects, on the sanitation facilities aspect is caused by the sub-aspects of the facilities and hygiene of employees, and on the maintenance and sanitation programs are caused by sub-aspects of pest control programs.The preparation of SSOP is done as a suggestion of improvement for aspects with the highest discrepancies, namely the building aspect.

Kata Kunci : Good Manufacturing Practices, Sanitasi, Sanitation Standard Operating Procedure

  1. D3-2021-431584-abstract.pdf  
  2. D3-2021-431584-bibliography.pdf  
  3. D3-2021-431584-tableofcontent.pdf  
  4. D3-2021-431584-title.pdf