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NADYA PUTRI AULIYA S, Dr. Susi Ari Kristina, M.Kes., Apt. ; Dr. Anna Wahyuni Widayanti, MPH., Apt.

2021 | Tesis | Magister Manajemen Farmasi

Di beberapa negara obat yang tidak terpakai merupakan masalah karena dilihat dari biaya obat sisa itu sendiri dan pengaruhnya terhadap peredaran obat palsu yang marak terjadi saat ini . Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui profil obat-obatan non resep yang dibuang, jumlah obat non resep yang dibuang serta mengetahui biaya dari pembuangan obat sisa tersebut. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain cross-sectional dengan mengambil data sekunder dari Badan Pengawas Obat dan Makanan di Yogyakarta. Data obat yang dikumpulkan dari bulan September hingga November 2019 menggunakan lembar pengumpulan data yang berisi nama obat, potensi, bentuk sediaan, jumlah sisa dan harga obat. Selanjutnya biaya obat dihitung berdasarkan Harga Eceran Tertinggi (HET). Analisis data menggunakan Microsoft Excel 2019 untuk menghitung biaya obat dan persentase biaya obat non resep. Obat non resep yang berhasil terkumpul pada Program Buang Sampah Obat di Yogyakarta sebanyak 197 item, 90,86% kategori obat merek dan 9,14% merupakan obat generik. Mayoritas bentuk sediaan yang dibuang adalah tablet (81,83%); kapsul (8,92%); larutan (5,60%). Berdasarkan kelas terapi kategori obat non resep yang paling banyak terkumpul adalah Vitamin, Saluran Cerna, Decongestan, dan antinyeri. Nilai ekonomi obat non resep yg terkumpul sebesar Rp. 6.354.725 dengan jumlah item obat sebanyak 197 item. Program Buang Sampah Obat ini diharapkan dapat berkelanjutan karena dinilai dapat menjadi wadah bagi masyarakat untuk dapat membuang sampah obat dengan benar. Selain itu program ini diharapkan dapat menekan peredaran obat palsu dan ilegal di pasaran serta menekan nilai ekonomi obat sisah itu sendiri. Tentunya hal ini diperlukan kerjasama oleh pihak terkait dan pemerintah setempat.

In some countries, unused medicine is a problem because it is seen from the cost of the residual medicine itself and its effect on the circulation of counterfeit medicines that are rampant today. Therefore, it aims to determine the profile of discarded non-prescription medicine, the number of discarded non-prescription medicine, and determine the disposal cost of this residual medicine. This study used a cross-sectional design by taking data from pharmacies in collaboration with BPOM in the Buang Sampah Obat Program in Yogyakarta. The medicine data collected is medicine waste disposal data from January to March 2020 using a data collection sheet containing the medicine's name, potency, dosage form, residual amount, and medicine price. Then the cost of the medicine is calculated based on the High Retail Price. The data analysis used Microsoft Excel 2019 to calculate medicine costs and percentage of prescription medicine costs. The non-prescription medicine collected in the Buang Sampah Obat Program in Yogyakarta were 197 items, of which 90.86% is a category of brand medicine and 9.14% were generic medicine. The percentage of dosage forms that were most discarded were tablets (81.83%); capsules (8.92%); solutions (5.60%). Based on the therapy class of the Indonesian National Medicine Informatorium and the Medicine Information Handbook, the categories of non-prescription medicine that were most collected were Vitamins (Vitamins), Gastrointestinal tract (laxatives), Decongestants (decongestants), and pain relievers (analgesics). The economic value of non-prescription medicine in the study of the Buang Sampah Obat Program in Yogyakarta is Rp. 6,354,725, with a total of 199 medicine items. The Drug Waste Disposal Program is expected to be sustainable because it is considered to be a place for the community to be able to dispose of drug waste properly. In addition, this program is expected to suppress the circulation of counterfeit and illegal drugs in the market and reduce the economic value of the residual drug itself. Of course, this requires the cooperation of the relevant parties and the local government.

Kata Kunci : obat tidak terpakai, nilai ekonomi obat, program buang sampah obat/Unused medicine, medicine disposal, medicine economic value of Buang Sampah Obat program

  1. S2-2021-447966-abstract.pdf  
  2. S2-2021-447966-bibliography.pdf  
  3. S2-2021-447966-tableofcontent.pdf  
  4. S2-2021-447966-title.pdf