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Gambaran Pemberian Insentif dan Kinerja Perawat di RS Y, Salah Satu Rumah Sakit Swasta di Kebumen

ISMAIL AJI, Dr. dr. Andreasta Meliala., Dipl.PH., M.Kes., M.A.S; Widyawati., S.Kp., M.Kes., PhD


Latar belakang: Beban kerja dan risiko kerja meningkat selama pandemi Covid-19. Merespon hal tersebut perawat dan dokter meminta manajemen untuk menambahkan faktor risiko kedalam komponen perhitungan insentif. RS Y menambahkan bonus kedalam komponen take home pay yang disesuaikan dengan tingkat risiko. Pemberian bonus tersebut belum dilakukan evaluasi kaitannya dengan kinerja perawat. Tujuan: Untuk mengetahui implementasi pemberian insentif dan bonus perawat serta gambaran kinerja perawat di masa pandemi Covid-19 di RS Y. Metode: Penelitian ini dilakukan secara kualitatif menggunakan metode studi kasus di RS Y. Informasi dan data diperoleh dari Direktur, wakil direktur umum dan keuangan, kepala bagian kepegawaian, pokja insentif, kepala ruang dan perawat. Data diperoleh melalui wawancara dan FGD secara daring. Hasil: Besaran insentif perawat tidak sama antar perawat. Sumber dana perhitungan insentif perawat berasal dari 20% dari jasa pelayanan dan 85% dari jasa pelayanan asuhan keperawatan. Dana tersebut dialokasikan pada 16 bangsal pelayanan. Besaran insentif yang diterima perawat dihitung berdasarkan sistem poin. Poin tersebut berasal dari indikator insentif yang terdiri dari indokator kedisiplinan, kinerja, beban kerja dan jabatan. Dari ketujuh indikator yang digunakan untuk menilai kinerja perawat, yaitu kelengkapan dokumentasi, ketaatan terhadap SOP, kemandirian implementasi, hasil evaluasi Askep, komunikasi, beban kerja, dan komplain pasien, semuanya masih dapat ditunaikan dengan baik oleh perawat. Perawat bekerja secara profesional selama pandemi Covid-19 selama pandemi Covid-19 walaupun mendapatkan peningkatan beban kerja dan juga menerima keluhan dari pasien dan juga keluarganya. Kesimpulan: Insentif yang diberikan kepada perawat di RS Y dilihat dari aspek kinerja, kehadiran, beban kerja di luar aktivitas regular, dan jabatan. Dengan sistem ini, masih ada perawat senior yang tidak puas dengan sistem pembagian insentif tersebut karena tidak menyertakan indikator lama kerja dan tingkat pendidikan. Kinerja perawat selama masa pandemi Covid-19 masih tergolong baik. Dari ketujuh indikator yang digunakan untuk menilai kinerja semuanya masih dapat ditunaikan dengan baik oleh perawat. Perawat bekerja secara profesional.

Background: Workload and work risk increased during the Covid-19 pandemic. Responding to this, nurses and doctors asked management to add risk factors to the incentive calculation component. Y Hospital adds a bonus to the take home pay component that is adjusted to the level of risk. The giving of the bonus has not been evaluated with the work motivation and performance of nurses. Objective: To find out the implementation of providing incentives and bonuses for nurses as well as on work motivation and performance during the Covid-19 pandemic at Y Hospital. Methods: This research was conducted qualitatively using a case study method at Y Hospital. Information and data were obtained from the Director, general director and finance, head of personnel department, incentive working group, head of room and nurse. Data were obtained through online interviews and FGDs. Results: The amount of nurse incentives is not the same between nurses. The source of funds for calculating nurse incentives comes from 20% of services and 85% of nursing care services. The funds were allocated to 16 service wards. The amount of incentives received by nurses is calculated based on a point system. These points come from incentive indicators consisting of indicators of discipline, performance, workload and position. Of the seven indicators used to assess the performance of nurses, namely the completeness of documentation, adherence to SOPs, independence of implementation, the results of the Askep evaluation, communication, workload, and patient complaints, all of them can still be carried out properly by nurses. Nurses work professionally during the Covid-19 pandemic during the Covid-19 pandemic despite getting an increased workload and also receiving complaints from patients and their families. Conclusion: The incentives given to nurses at Y Hospital are seen from the aspect of performance, attendance, workload outside of regular activities, and position. With this system, there are still senior nurses who are dissatisfied with the incentive distribution system because it does not include indicators of length of service and education level. The performance of nurses during the Covid-19 pandemic is still relatively good. Of the seven indicators used to assess performance, all of them can still be carried out well by nurses. Nurses work professionally.

Kata Kunci : Insentif, bonus, kinerja, perawat

  1. S2-2021-448486-abstract.pdf  
  2. S2-2021-448486-bibliography.pdf  
  3. S2-2021-448486-tableofcontent.pdf  
  4. S2-2021-448486-title.pdf