Laporkan Masalah


DINA SAVITRI, Prof. dr. Adi Utarini, MSc, MPH, PhD ; Dr. Supriyati, S.Sos., M.Kes


Latar Belakang: Untuk meningkatkan penerimaan vaksin, perlu disusun strategi komunikasi yang mempertimbangkan keragaman kebutuhan informasi masyarakat sebelum, saat dan sesudah pengenalan vaksin terutama yang berkaitan dengan keamanan, efektifitas dan kemerataan distribusi vaksin. Tujuan: Mengeksplorasi pemahaman bidan tentang vaksinasi COVID-19 untuk pencegahan penularan di masyarakat dan mengidentifikasi motivasi, peluang dan perilaku bidan bagi tenaga kesehatan dan ibu hamil untuk melakukan vaksinasi COVID-19 di RSUD Engku Haji Daud. Metode: Jenis penelitian kualitatif dengan rancangan fenomenologi. Peneliti menjabarkan hasil wawancara mendalam pada 2 bidan di Poli Kandungan, 3 bidan di Kamar Bersalin dan 5 bidan di IGD yang memenuhi kriteria dengan metode Purposive sampling dengan jenis critical case sampling di RSUD Engku Haji Daud. Analisa data menggunakan pre-determined categories dengan sebelumnya dilakukan triangulasi teori agar dinyatakan kredibel. Hasil: Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemahaman bidan terkait manfaat vaksin dapat terhindar dari virus, pemberian ilmu vaksin dilakukan pada bidan yang belum divaksin dengan cara mencari informasi sendiri dan pelatihan vaksinasi hanya dilakukan pada vaksinator. Motivasi bidan untuk melakukan vaksinasi terdapat persepsi bidan mengenai vaksin yang belum teruji pada ibu hamil, bidan merasa ketidakpastian imunitas setelah dilakukan vaksinasi dan bidan merasa takut setelah vaksinasi terjadi pembekuan darah. Ketersediaan informasi pada peluang bidan untuk melakukan vaksinasi di rumah sakit hanya tersedia buku KIA dan tidak ada edukasi ibu hamil yang akan divaksin serta kenyamanan yang ingin bidan rasakan adalah setelah dilakukan vaksinasi tidak langsung bekerja. Perilaku vaksinasi bidan terdapat dukungan bidan dari kader posyandu, bidan puskesmas dan IBI sebagai penggerak bidan serta pelaksanaan vaksinasi yang masih terlalu ramai. Perilaku vaksinasi ibu hamil melalui upaya pencegahan agar terhindar dari virus dengan mengurangi berkunjung ke rumah sakit dan penggunaan masker yang benar. Kesimpulan dan saran: Pemahaman, motivasi, peluang yang kurang sesuai dan perilaku bidan masih memerlukan dukungan vaksinasi dan upaya pencegahan ibu hamil melalui pelatihan bidan dan kolaborasi di luar rumah sakit serta evaluasi kegiatan vaksinasi setelah diterapkan model COM-B.

Background: To increase vaccine acceptance, it is necessary to develop a communication strategy that considers the diversity of information needs of the community before, during and after the introduction of vaccines, especially those related to vaccine safety, effectiveness and even distribution. Objective: To explore midwives' understanding of COVID-19 vaccination to prevent transmission in the community and to identify the motivations, opportunities and behavior of midwives for health workers and pregnant women to vaccinate against COVID-19 at Engku Haji Daud Hospital. Method: This type of research is qualitative with a phenomenological design. Researchers describe the results of in-depth interviews with 2 midwives in the Gynecology Poly, 3 midwives in the maternity ward and 5 midwives in the emergency department who met the criteria using the purposive sampling method with the type of critical case sampling at the Engku Haji Daud Hospital. Data analysis used pre-determined categories with theoretical triangulation previously carried out to be declared credible. Result: The study showed that midwives' understanding of the benefits of vaccines could avoid viruses, vaccine knowledge was given to midwives who had not been vaccinated by seeking information themselves and vaccination training was only carried out on vaccinators. The motivation of midwives to vaccinate is that there are perceptions of midwives about vaccines that have not been tested on pregnant women, midwives feel uncertainty about immunity after vaccination and midwives are afraid after vaccination that blood clots will occur. Availability of information on the opportunity for midwives to vaccinate at the hospital is only available KIA books and there is no education for pregnant women who will be vaccinated and the comfort that midwives want to feel is that after vaccination they do not work immediately. The midwife's vaccination behavior has the support of midwives from posyandu cadres, health center midwives and IBI as a driving force for midwives and the implementation of vaccination is still too crowded. Vaccination behavior of pregnant women through prevention efforts to avoid the virus by reducing hospital visits and using the correct mask. Conclusion and recommendation: The understanding, motivation, inappropriate opportunities and behavior of midwives still require vaccination support and prevention efforts for pregnant women through midwife training and collaboration outside the hospital as well as evaluation of vaccination activities after the COM-B model is implemented.

Kata Kunci : Pemahaman, Bidan, Model COM-B

  1. S2-2021-448455-abstract.pdf  
  2. S2-2021-448455-bibliography.pdf  
  3. S2-2021-448455-tableofcontent.pdf  
  4. S2-2021-448455-title.pdf