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Analisis Kebutuhan Psikologis Tenaga Kesehatan Sebagai Usulan Program Dukungan Sosial Manajemen RS Universitas Udayana

PUTU CITTA WICAKYANI, Dr. dr. Andreasta Meliala, DPH, M.Kes, MAS;Drs. Sito Meiyanto, Ph.D


INTISARI Latar belakang: Adanya pandemi Covid-19 menimbulkan dampak psikologis terutama tenaga kesehatan sebagai kelompok berisiko tinggi. Data penelitian menyebutkan gejala depresi yaitu sebesar 50,4%. Berdasarkan hal ini maka sangat diperlukan untuk mengetahui kebutuhan psikologis yang dilihat dari perspektif teori ERG (Existence, Relatedness dan Growth) yang dapat menjadi usulan program dukungan sosial dari manajemen RS. RS Universitas Udayana merupakan RS khusus untuk penanganan dan pengedalian Covid-19 di Bali dan dari hasil wawancara dengan perawat dikatakan adanya perasaan stress dan jenuh dengan rutinitas selama merawat pasien Covid-19. Tujuan: penelitian ini bertjuan untuk mengetahui kebutuhan psikologis perawat selama pandemi Covid-19 berdasarkan kebutuhan existence, relatedness dan growth sebagai usulan untuk program dukungan sosial manajemen RS Universitas Udayana. Metode: penelitian menggunakan metode kualitatif untuk mengetahui kebutuhan psikologis perawat dari perspektif teori ERG. Data penelitian dianalisis dengan menggunakan aplikasi QSR NVivo 12. Data diperoleh dari wawancara mendalam dan dokumentasi terhadap perawat di RS Universitas Udayana. Hasil dan Pembahasan: Kebutuhan psikologis eksistensi perawat yaitu kebutuhan keamanan dalam bekerja terkait kualitas APD dan sistem alur tentang penerimaan pasien umum. Kebutuhan psikologis hubungan yaitu adanya kebutuhan interpersonal dan perhatian dari manajemen RS dan masyarakat. Kebutuhan pertumbuhan yaitu adanya kebutuhan pelatihan di ruang IGD dan ICU, selain itu adanya arahan manajemen untuk rencana penerimaan pasien umum. Dukungan sosial yang dapat diberikan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan psikologis perawat yaitu program psikoedukasi departemen psikologi universitas dan unit konseling di rumah sakit. Dukungan penghargaan yaitu memberikan respon positif kepada perawat dengan adanya komitmen dari organisasi untuk mendukung perawat selama bertugas. Dukungan instrumental yaitu APD, fasilitas tempat istirahat dan program meditasi dan seni. Dukungan informatif yaitu pelatihan sense of emergency dan mutu standar pelayanan ICU. Kesimpulan dan Saran: Kebutuhan psikologis perawat yaitu kebutuhan APD dan sistem alur pasien, kebutuhan hubungan interpersonal yaitu penghargaan manajemen dan masyarakat, kebutuhan pertumbuhan yaitu pelatihan dan sosialisasi. Para manajer RS Universitas Udayana dapat melakukan pengkajian terkait status psikologis perawat dan manajer mempertimbangkan program dukungan sosial yang menjadi prioritas dan dapat melibatkan peran dari tim klinis dan non klinis.

ABSTRACT Background: The Covid-19 pandemic has had a psychological impact, especially on health workers as a high-risk group. The research data mentions that the symptoms of depression are 50.4%. Based on this, it is very necessary to know the psychological needs seen from the perspective of ERG theory (Existence, Relatedness and Growth) which can be a proposed social support program from hospital management. Udayana University Hospital is a special hospital for the handling and control of Covid-19 in Bali and from the results of interviews with nurses it was said that there was a feeling of stress and boredom with routine while treating Covid-19 patients. Objective: This study aims to determine the psychological needs of nurses during the Covid-19 pandemic based on the needs of existence, relatedness and growth as a proposal for the management social support program at Udayana University Hospital. Methods: This study uses qualitative methods to determine the psychological needs of nurses from the perspective of ERG theory. The research data were analyzed using the QSR NVivo 12 application. The data were obtained from in-depth interviews and documentation of nurses at Udayana University Hospital. Results and Discussion: The psychological need for the existence of nurses is the need for safety in work related to the quality of PPE and the flow system for general patient acceptance. Psychological needs of relationships, namely the existence of interpersonal needs and attention from hospital management and the community. The need for growth is the need for training in the ER and ICU rooms, in addition to management directives for general patient admission plans. Social support that can be provided to meet the psychological needs of nurses is the psychoeducational program of the university psychology department and the counseling unit at the hospital. Appreciation support is giving a positive response to nurses with a commitment from the organization to support nurses while on duty. Instrumental support includes personal protective equipment (PPE), rest facilities and meditation and art programs. Informative support, namely training on the sense of emergency and the quality of ICU service standards. Conclusions and Suggestions: The psychological needs of nurses are the need for PPE and patient flow systems, the needs for interpersonal relationships are management and community appreciation, growth needs are training and socialization. Udayana University Hospital managers can conduct assessments related to the psychological status of nurses and managers consider priority social support programs and can involve the role of clinical and non-clinical teams.

Kata Kunci : kebutuhan psikologis,teori ERG,dukungan sosial

  1. S2-2021-448518-abstract.pdf  
  2. S2-2021-448518-bibliography.pdf  
  3. S2-2021-448518-tableofcontent.pdf  
  4. S2-2021-448518-title.pdf