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YUSNI KHAIRANI T, Ir. Panjono, S.Pt., M.P., Ph.D., IPM., ASEAN Eng; Dr. Ir. Sigit Bintara, M.Si., IPU., ASEAN Eng.


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kinerja induk sapi hasil persilangan Brahman cross (BX) dengan Belgian Blue (BB) dan Wagyu. Materi yang digunakan adalah 23 ekor sapi yang terdiri atas 7 ekor induk sapi persilangan BB (50% BB:50% BX) dan 16 ekor induk sapi persilangan Wagyu (50% Wagyu:50% BX). Induk persilangan BB dikawinkan dengan pejantan persilangan Wagyu dan sebaliknya induk persilangan Wagyu dikawinkan dengan pejantan persilangan BB. Data yang diambil meliputi konsumsi pakan induk selama bunting dan laktasi, perubahan bobot badan dan ukuran tubuh induk dan pedet, interval kelahiran (IK), post partum mating (PPM), service per conception (S/C), indeks reproduksi induk (IRI) dan indeks produktivitas induk (IPI). Data yang diperoleh dianalisis menggunakan Independent Sample T-test. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan konsumsi pakan induk selama bunting dan laktasi berbeda tidak nyata. Nilai PBBH bunting, bobot badan hilang saat laktasi, PBBH pedet prasapih dan IPI lebih tinggi induk persilangan BB daripada persilangan Wagyu berturut-turut masing-masing 0.58±0.23 dan 0.36±0.15 kg/hari, -0.41±0.11 dan -0.24±0.17 kg/hari, 0.85±0.14 dan 0.54±0.15 kg/hari dan 147.95±24.61 dan 104.25±20,31 kg/ekor/tahun. PPM, S/C, IK, IRI, pertambahan panjang badan, tinggi gumba dan lingkar dada harian pedet dari induk persilangan BB dan persilangan Wagyu berbeda tidak nyata dengan nilai berturut-turut masing-masing 94.86±5.52 dan 99.13±9.42 hari, 3.63±1.07 dan 2.50±1.44 kali, 432.00±23.05 dan 418.63±36.45 hari, 0.85±0.05 dan 0.88±0.08 ekor/tahun, 0.26±0,05 0.22±0.05 cm/hari, 0.20±0.06 dan 0.18±0.04 cm/hari serta 0.32±0.05 dan 0.29±0.04 cm/hari. Disimpulkan bahwa kinerja induk persilangan BB lebih baik daripada kinerja induk persilangan Wagyu.

This study aims to evaluate the performance of crossbreed cows of Brahman cross cow with Belgian Blue (BB) and Wagyu sire. Seven cows from BB cross (50% BB: 50% BX) mated to Wagyu cross sire and sixteen cows from Wagyu cross (50% Wagyu: 50% BX) mated to BB cross sire. Feed consumption during pregnancy and lactation, average daily gain (ADG) cows during pregnancy and lactation, calving interval (CI), postpartum mating (PPM), service per conception (S/C), cows reproductive index (CRI), changes in body weight (BW) and body size of calves from birth to weaned, calving ease (CE), calf vigor (CV) and cows productivity index (CPI) were observed. Data were analyzed using the Independent Sample T-test. The results showed that there wasn't an effect of the breed to feed consumption during pregnancy and lactation. The average daily gain (ADG) during pregnancy, BW loss during lactation, ADG praweaning and CPI of BB cross was greater than Wagyu cross cows respectively 0.58±0.23 and 0.36±0.15 kg/day, -0.41±0.11 and -0.24±0.17 kg/day, 0.85±0.14 and 0.54±0.15 kg/day and 147.95±24.61 and 104.25± 20.31 kg/tail/year. CI, PPM, S/C, CE, CV, CRI, bodysize change of progeny as body length, withers height, chest girth were no difference in both breed with each values respectively 94.86±5.52 and 99.13±9.42 days, 3.63±1.07 and 2.50±1.44 times, 432.00±23.05 and 418.63±36.45 days, 0.85±0.05 and 0.88±0.08 tail/year, 0.26±0.05, 0.22±0.05 cm/day, 0.20±0.06 and 0.18±0.04 cm/day and 0.32±0.05 and 0.29±0.04 cm/day. In conclusion, this study shows that the performance of the BB cross cows is greater than Wagyu cross.

Kata Kunci : Kinerja induk, Brahman cross, Belgian Blue, Wagyu/Cows performance, Brahman cross, Belgian Blue, Wagyu

  1. S2-2021-449060-abstract.pdf  
  2. S2-2021-449060-bibliography.pdf  
  3. S2-2021-449060-tableofcontent.pdf  
  4. S2-2021-449060-title.pdf