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Analisis Pengaruh Bauran Pemasaran 4P terhadap Minat Beli Konsumen Produk Roti "Bluder Cokro", Madiun, Jawa Timur

REZA ULFI SHAHRUL, Ika Restu Revulaningtyas, S.T.P., M.Sc.

2021 | Tugas Akhir | D3 AGROINDUSTRI

Bluder Cokro adalah industri bakery yang menjadi ciri khas Kota Madiun. Industri Bluder Cokro melakukan pengembangan produk dengan menambah varian rasa roti yang mengikuti perkembangan zaman. Perkembangan industri bakery semakin pesat menyebabkan Bluder Cokro melakukan upaya-upaya yang dapat mempertahankan usahanya melalui faktor produk, harga, tempat dan promosi. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh bauran pemasaran 4P (product, price, place, dan promotion) terhadap minat beli konsumen produk roti Bluder Cokro Madiun. Metode penelitian yang digunakan yaitu metode sampling Non Probability Sampling menggunakan teknik accidental sampling. Responden yang digunakan berjumlah 100 konsumen roti Bluder Cokro dengan penentuan jumlah sampel menggunakan rumus Lemeshow. Pengujian yang dilaksanakan pada penelitian ini yaitu uji validitas, uji reliabilitas, uji asumsi klasik berupa uji normalitas, uji multikolinearitas, uji linearitas, dan uji heteroskedastisitas. Analisis inferensia pada penelitian ini yaitu regresi linear berganda, uji F, uji T, dan koefisien determinasi. Hasil penelitian dinyatakan bahwa bauran pemasaran (4P) mempunyai pengaruh terhadap minat beli roti Bluder Cokro sebesar 63,1%. Bauran pemasaran (4P) yang mencakup produk, harga, tempat, dan promosi berpengaruh positif terhadap minat beli roti Bluder Cokro secara simultan. Variabel produk dan harga secara parsial berpengaruh positif akan minat beli roti Bluder Cokro masing-masing sebesar 0,554 dan 0,597. Variabel tempat dan promosi secara parsial tidak memiliki pengaruh akan minat beli roti Bluder Cokro.

Bluder Cokro is a bakery industry that is characteristic of Madiun City. Cokro Bluder Industry carries out product development by adding bread flavor variants that keep up with the times. The rapid development of the bakery industry has caused Bluder Cokro to make efforts to maintain its business through product, price, place and promotion factors. Therefore, this study aims to analyze the effect of the 4P marketing mix (product, price, place, and promotion) on consumer buying interest in Bluder Cokro Madiun bread products. The research method used is the Non Probability Sampling method using accidental sampling technique. The respondents used were 100 consumers of Bluder Cokro bread by determining the number of samples using the Lemeshow formula. The tests carried out in this study were validity tests, reliability tests, classical assumption tests in the form of normality tests, multicollinearity tests, linearity tests, and heteroscedasticity tests. Inferential analysis in this study is multiple linear regression, F test, T test, and the coefficient of determination. The results of the study stated that the marketing mix (4P) had an influence on buying interest in Bluder Cokro bread by 64.6%. The marketing mix (4P) which includes product, price, place, and promotion has a positive effect on interest in buying Bluder Cokro bread simultaneously. Product and price variables partially have a positive effect on buying interest in Bluder Cokro bread, respectively 0.554 and 0.597. The variable of place and promotion partially has no effect on buying interest in Bluder Cokro bread.

Kata Kunci : Bauran Pemasaran (4P), Industri Bluder Cokro, Minat Beli, Regresi Linear Berganda

  1. D3-2021-425736-abstract.pdf  
  2. D3-2021-425736-bibliography.pdf  
  3. D3-2021-425736-tableofcontent.pdf  
  4. D3-2021-425736-title.pdf