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PAULINA TANINAS, Totok Harjanto, S.Kep, Ns., M.Kes; Ariani Arista Putri Pertiwi, S.Kep., Ns., MAN., DNP

2021 | Skripsi | S1 ILMU KEPERAWATAN

Latar Belakang: Case Based Learning (CBL) merupakan pembelajaran menggunakan kasus klinis nyata yang dirancang untuk berpikir kritis. Berpikir kritis di keperawatan untuk pemecahan masalah pasien dan proses pengambilan keputusan. Mahasiswa membutuhkan disposisi berpikir kritis untuk dapat memberikan respons pada informasi dan beradaptasi terhadap perubahan pada bentuk pembelajaran yang baru. Adanya kondisi pandemi COVID-19, universitas menganjurkan untuk pelaksanaan pembelajaran daring. Tujuan: Mengetahui pengaruh penerapan Case Based Learning daring terhadap disposisi berpikir kritis mahasiswa profesi keperawatan UGM Metode: Data diambil pada bulan September-November 2020 pada 49 mahasiswa profesi ners FK-KMK UGM menggunakan metode kuantitatif dengan pendekatan one group pre-post test without control group menggunakan intervensi pelaksanaan diskusi case-based learning secara daring. Disposisi berpikir kritis diukur menggunakan Critical Thinking Disposition Scale (CTDS) versi Bahasa Indonesia. Hasil: Ada peningkatan 50% mahasiswa yang memiliki disposisi berpikir kritis tinggi dan peningkatan rerata skor pre-test ke post-test. Hasil uji paired t-test menunjukkan nilai p<0,05 yang berarti terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan antara disposisi berpikir kritis mahasiswa sebelum dan sesudah intervensi CBL Kesimpulan: Disposisi berpikir kritis mahasiswa Profesi Ners FK-KMK UGM meningkat setelah mengikuti pembelajaran Case Based Learning

Introduction: Case-Based Learning (CBL) is a learning method using case from real clinical situations in order to improve the critical thinking skills. The applications of critical thinking in nursing can be seen in solving patients problem and decision-making process. Students need critical thinking disposition to respond to information and adapt to changes in new forms of learning. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the university recommends the implementation of online learning. Objective: To determine the effect of online CBL on the critical thinking disposition of UGM nursing profession students Methods: This study uses a quantitative method with one group pre-post test without a control group as well as using an online CBL discussion intervention. Critical thinking disposition is measured using Critical Thinking Disposition Scale (CTDS) in Indonesian version with the Beaton's cross-cultural adaptation. Results: There is a 50% increase of students who have a high critical thinking disposition and an increase in the average score from pre-test to post-test. Paired t-test analysis showed the p value <0.05 which means there is a significant difference between students' critical thinking dispositions before and after the intervention. Conclusion: The critical thinking disposition of UGM clinical nursing students increased after their participation in Case-Based Learning.

Kata Kunci : disposisi berpikir kritis, mahasiswa keperawatan, online case based learning, pendidikan klinik

  1. S1-2021-412249-abstract.pdf  
  2. S1-2021-412249-bibliography.pdf  
  3. S1-2021-412249-tableofcontent.pdf  
  4. S1-2021-412249-title.pdf