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AFIRA DINDA ANINGTYAS, Prof. Dr.Eng.Kuwat Triyana, M.Sc.

2021 | Skripsi | S1 FISIKA

Penelitian ini menujukkan aplikasi potensial pada lidah elektronik digabungkan dengan perangkat Data Logger buatan laboratorium untuk klasifikasi sampel bahan uji lima rasa dasar. Hasil dari penelitian berupa tegangan dianalisis menggunakan metode Linear Discriminant Analysis kemudian diuji kembali dengan kombinasi metode Linear Discriminant Analysis - Simulated Annealing untuk mendapatkan sensor yang bekerja paling optimal dan perbandingan nilai akurasi dari kedua metode. Data kemudian divalidasi dengan 10 fold cross validation dengan membagi data menjadi dua kumpulan data, satu data training (dengan 64% data) digunakan untuk pelatihan model dan satu set data testing (mengandung sisanya 36% dari data) untuk validasi internal. Dari penelitian ini metode kombinasi Linear Discriminant Analysis dengan Simulated Annealing mendapatkan 0,71% lebih tinggi dengan nilai 99,28% pada metode kombinasi Linear Discriminant Analysis - Simulated Annealing. Didapatkan pula 3 sensor yang memiliki kerja paling optimal. Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa lidah elektonik memberikan hasil yang lebih optimal setelah dianalisis dengan metode kombinasi Linear Discriminant Analysis - Simulated Annealing dibandingkan hanya menggunakan metode Linear Discriminant Analysis saja.

This study demonstrates the potential application of an electronic tongue in combination with a laboratory-made Data Logger device for the classification of samples of the five basic taste test materials. The results of the study in the form of stress were analyzed using the Linear Discriminant Analysis method and then tested again with a combination of the Linear Discriminant Analysis - Simulated Annealing method to get the sensor that worked the most optimally and the accuracy value comparison of the two methods. The data is then validated with 10 fold cross validation by dividing the data into two data sets, one training data (with 64% data) is used for model training and one testing data set (containing the remaining 36% of the data) for internal validation. From this study, the combination method of Linear Discriminant Analysis with Simulated Annealing got 0.71% higher with a value of 99.28% on the combination method of Linear Discriminant Analysis - Simulated Annealing. There are also 3 sensors that have the most optimal work. Thus, it can be concluded that the electronic tongue gives more optimal results after being analyzed using the combination method of Linear Discriminant Analysis - Simulated Annealing compared to only using the Linear Discriminant Analysis method.

Kata Kunci : Electronic tongue, polimer/ lipid membrane, classification, LDA, SA

  1. S1-2021-362767-abstract.pdf  
  2. S1-2021-362767-bibliography.pdf  
  3. S1-2021-362767-tableofcontent.pdf  
  4. S1-2021-362767-title.pdf