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The Effects of Instagram Marketing Attractiveness towards Brand Loyalty of RTD Soft Drink Product

VERONIKA XAVERIA, Yulia Arisnani Widyaningsih, MBA, Ph.D.

2021 | Skripsi | S1 MANAJEMEN

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji pengaruh daya tarik Instagram feed terhadap perceived value produk minuman ringan RTD serta loyalitas merek dan untuk menguji apakah reputasi merek berperan dalam memengaruhi hubungan antara daya tarik Instagram feed dengan nilai merek yang dipersepsikan. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif dengan metode pengambilan sampel purposive sampling. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan kuesioner skala Likert 7 poin online. Ada 4 hipotesis dalam penelitian ini yang dianalisis dengan menggunakan metode analisis Partial Least Square (PLS). Jumlah responden penelitian ini 304. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji keempat hipotesis yang diajukan dan tiga dari empat hipotesis terdukung sehingga membuktikan bahwa daya tarik Instagram feed berpengaruh positif terhadap nilai persepsi konsumen terhadap produk minuman ringan RTD. Selain itu, reputasi merek juga berperan dalam memediasi variabel-variabel tersebut secara positif. Pada saat yang sama, penelitian ini juga dapat menunjukkan bahwa loyalitas pelanggan yang terdiri dari Electronic Word-of-Mouth (E-WOM) dan niat pembelian kembali dapat meningkat secara signifikan karena nilai persepsi positif dari produk minuman ringan RTD.

This research aims to examine the influence of Instagram feed attractiveness towards the perceived value of RTD soft drink products as well as brand loyalty and to test whether brand reputation plays a role in influencing the relationship between Instagram feed attractiveness and perceived brand value. This research is quantitative research that uses purposive sampling. The data were collected using an online 7-point Likert scale questionnaire. There are 4 hypotheses in this study that were analysed using Partial Least Square (PLS) analysis method. The total respondents for this study were 304. This research aims to test the four existing hypotheses in which three out of four hypotheses are supported to prove that the Instagram feed attractiveness has a positive influence on consumers' perceived value of the RTD soft drink product. Moreover, the brand reputation also plays a role in mediating these variables in a positive manner. At the same time, the study might also show that the customer loyalty consisting of Electronic Word-of-Mouth (E-WOM) and repurchase intention might significantly increase due to the positive perceived value of the RTD soft drink product.

Kata Kunci : Instagram feed, pemasaran media sosial, Ready to Drink, Minuman Berkarbonasi, Reputasi Merek, Perceived Value, E-WOM, Intensi Pembelian Ulang, Loyalitas Merek

  1. S1-2021-397219-abstract.pdf  
  2. S1-2021-397219-bibliography.pdf  
  3. S1-2021-397219-tableofcontent.pdf  
  4. S1-2021-397219-title.pdf