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Profil Hemoglobin Anak Kambing Jantan Selama 2 Bulan Pertama Setelah Kelahiran

NOVARINA FAUZIA D R, Dr. drh. Irkham Widiyono; Dr. drh Yanuarto, M.P; Dr. drh Sarmin, M.P.

2021 | Skripsi | S1 KEDOKTERAN HEWAN

Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui nilai hemoglobin anak kambing Bligon berjenis kelamin jantan dari awal kelahiran hingga lepas sapih. Hewan percobaan dipelihara dengan sang induk di dalam kandang individual hingga berumur 2 bulan. Sampel darah diambil pada umur anak kambing 0 minggu, 2 minggu, 4 minggu, 6 minggu dan 8 minggu untuk mengetahui nilai hemoglobin. Pemeriksaan laboratorium nilai hemoglobin dilakukan dengan metode Sahli. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pada awal kelahiran nilai hemoglobin berada pada level 11,57 (simpangan baku 0,54) gr per dL dan kemudian menurun signifikan pada minggu kedua dan keempat menjadi 8,13 (simpangan baku 0,90) g/dL dan 7,57 (simpangan baku 1,34) gr/dL (P kurang dari 0,05). Nilai hemoglobin selanjutnya cenderung naik kembali pada minggu keenam dan kedelapan menjadi 8,37 (simpangan baku 1,69) g/dL dan 9,37 (simpangan baku 0,89) g/dL (P lebih besar dari 0,05). Disimpulkan bahwa nilai hemoglobin pada umur 2 bulan pertama kehidupan pasca lahir dipengaruhi oleh umur.

This study was aimed to investigate the profile of hemoglobin concentration of male Bligon goat kids during the first two months of the postnatal life. In this study, six male Bligon goat kids aged 0 to 8 weeks were used. The experimental animals were kept together with their does in individual cages until the age of 2 months. The animals were allowed to naturally suckle their does and were artificially supplemented with cow's milk. All animal were clinically healthy during the study. Venous blood samples were taken immediately after birth before suckling and 2 weeks, 4 weeks, 6 weeks, and 8 weeks after birth for hemoglobin analyses. The laboratory of the hemoglobin value was carried out by Sahli method. The results showed that hemoglobin level after birth was at the level of 11,57 (standard deviation 0,54) gr/dL and then decreased significantly during the second and the fourth week to the level of 8,13 (standard deviation 0,90) g/dL, respectively (P smaller than 0,05). Thereafter, the hemoglobin concentration tended to oncrease to the level of 0,37 (standard deviation 1,69 g/dL) at the sixth week and 9,37 (standard devistion 0,89) g/dL at the eight week (P greater than 0,05). It was concluded that the hemoglobin concentration of male Bligon goat kids during the first 2 months of the postnatal life was influenced by the age.

Kata Kunci : anak kambing, eritrosit, hemoglobin, pasca lahir, umur

  1. S1-2021-414510-abstract.pdf  
  2. S1-2021-414510-bibliography.pdf  
  3. S1-2021-414510-tableofcontent.pdf  
  4. S1-2021-414510-title.pdf