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2021 | Skripsi | S1 KEDOKTERAN HEWAN

Kuda merupakan salah satu komoditas penting di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta yang berperan dalam sektor ekonomi hingga pariwisata. PORDASI Jawa Tengah dan DIY melaporkan bahwa cacing Strongylus sp. menyababkan 81% penyakit gastrointestinal pada kuda. Penanganan kasus cacingan memerlukan ketepatan waktu dan dosis untuk mencegah terjadinya resistensi. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui efektifitas obat febantel dosis 6 mg/kg BB terhadap Strongylus sp. dan pengaruhnya terhadap gambaran darah kuda sesudah pengobatan di DIY. Sebanyak 9 ekor total kuda, masing-masing 3 ekor dari Kota Yogyakarta, Kabupaten Sleman, dan Kabupaten Bantul dipilih sebagai sampel penelitian. Kuda dengan infestasi telur cacing minimal 600 telur per gram feses dipilih sebagai sampel penelitian setelah diperiksa dengan uji apung dan uji McMaster. Kuda sampel diberikan febantel secara peroral sebanyak satu kali pemberian dan pemeriksaan feses dilakukan setiap tiga hari selama 12 hari. Pemeriksaan darah dilakukan sebelum dan setelah 12 hari pengobatan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pengobatan terhadap gambaran darah kuda. Data telur cacing Strongylus sp. dan gambaran darah yang diperoleh selanjutnya ditabulasi, lalu dianalisis secara deskriptif. Hasil penelitian diperoleh bahwa febantel memiliki efektifitas sebesar 100%. Gambaran darah setelah pengobatan menunjukkan gambaran darah yang tetap normal, sehingga febantel aman diberikan sebagi obat cacing pada kuda.

Horses are one of the most important commodities at Special Region of Yogyakarta which plays a role in the economic to tourism sector. PORDASI of Central Java and DIY reported that Strongylus sp. causes 81% of gastrointestinal disease in horses. Treatment of intestinal helminth requires time and dosage accuracy to avoid resistance. This study was carried out to determine the effectiveness of febantel at a dose of 6 mg / kg of body weight against Strongylus sp. and its effect on the horse's hematology after treatment in Special Region of Yogyakarta. A total of nine horses, with 3 horses each from Yogyakarta, Sleman, and Bantul were selected as the research sample. Horses with minimum infestation number of 600 eggs per gram feces were selected as a research sample after being examined by floating test and the McMaster test. A single dose of febantel were administered to the horses and, then fecal examination was performed every three days for 12 days of treatment. Hematology tests are done before and after the treatment to determine the effect of the treatment on the horse hematology. The data obtained from the examination was tabulated and analyzed descriptively to obtain the number of worm eggs and the average hematology value after treatment. The results showed that febantel has 100% effectiveness against Strongylus sp. The hematology result after treatment stayed normal. Thus, febantel is safe as anthelmintics for horse.

Kata Kunci : Febantel, Kuda, Strongylus sp., Feses, Gambaran Darah

  1. S1-2021-412406-abstract.pdf  
  2. S1-2021-412406-bibliography.pdf  
  3. S1-2021-412406-tableofcontent.pdf  
  4. S1-2021-412406-title.pdf