NUR FITRIAH JUMATRIN, Dr. Wenny Artanty Nisman, S.Kep,. Ns., M.Kes; Elsi Dwi Hapsari, S.Kp., M.S., D.S
2021 | Tesis | MAGISTER KEPERAWATANINTISARI Latar Belakang: Saat bencana, wanita merupakan salah satu kelompok rentan, namun pelayanan kesehatan reproduksi wanita tidak menjadi perioritas utama dalam penanggulangan bencana. Sehingga peneliti ingin mengetahui gambaran kesehatan reproduksi wanita pasca bencana banjir khususnya pada ibu antenatal (ANC), postnatal (PNC), dan bayi baru lahir (BBL). Tujuan: Mengetahui gambaran kesehatan reproduksi wanita ANC, PNC, dan BBL sebelum, saat, dan setelah bencana banjir di Kabupaten Konawe Utara Tahun 2019. Metode: Jenis penelitian dekskriptif. Sampel penelitian ANC, PNC, dan BBL dengan jumlah responden 329. Kriteria sampel wanita usia 15-45 tahun, telah menikah, keadaan hamil atau telah melahirkan, wanita mengalami kejadian banjir dan bayi usia 0-28 hari. Instrument penelitian menggunakan kuesioner yang telah diuji validitas dan reliabilitas. Analisi data menggunakan univariat untuk melihat frekuensi (n) dan presentase (%). Hasil: Sebelum, saat, dan setalah bencana mayoritas responden membutuhkan pemeriksaan kesehatan masing-masing ANC (95,4%; 96,6%; 100%), PNC (83,6%; 90,3%; 91,8%), dan BBL (83,6%; 90,3%; 100%) dan melakukan pemeriksaan kesehatan ANC (96,6%; 87,7%; 95,4%), PNC (81,3%; 86,6%; 84,3%) dan BBL (82,1%; 86,6%; 88,6%). Tempat responden mendapatkan pemeriksaan kesehatan ANC sebelum dan saat bencana terbanyak yaitu posyandu/polindes dan setelah bencana puskesmas (40%; 35,4%; 46,6%), PNC sebelum dan saat bencana terbanyak yaitu puskesmas dan setelah bencana posyandu/polindes (34,3%; 40,3%; 36,6%), dan BBL sebelum dan saat bencana terbanyak yaitu puskesmas dan setelah bencana posyandu/polindes (36,3%; 43,3%; 37,3%). Jenis Pemeriksaan yang paling dibutuhkan saat dan setelah bencana yaitu pemeriksaan USG, Kontrasepsi, dan Imunisasi. Responden terbanyak mendapatkan bantuan pokok dan bantuan pelayanan pemeriksaan kesehatan saat dan setelah bencana ANC (89,2%; 32,3%) PNC (57,5%; 56,7%) dan BBL (85,1%; 61,2%) dan responden menjawab cukup atas bantuan yang diterima ANC (89,2%; 69,2%), PNC (83,6%; 68,7%), dan BBL (85,1%; 61,2%). Kesimpulan: Pada situasi bencana, pelayanan pemeriksaan kesehatan sangat dibutuhkan oleh ibu pada masa ANC, PNC, dan juga pada BBL. Pemerintah dan tenaga kesehatan perlu meningkatkan pemberian bantuan dan lebih memprioritaskan pelayanan Kesehatan reproduksi, khususnya pada masa ANC, PNC, dan pada BBL. Masyarakat yang tinggal di daerah rawan bencana diharapkan meningkatkan pengetahuan kesehatan reproduksi dan informasi mengenai kesiapsiagaan menghadapi bencana.
ABSTRACT Background: During a disaster, women are one of the vulnerable groups, however, women's reproductive health services are not the main priority in disaster management. So, the researchers wanted to know the picture of women's reproductive health after a flood disaster, especially for antenatal care (ANC), postnatal care (PNC), and neonate. Purpose: To determine the reproductive health picture of ANC, PNC, and Neonatal women before, during and after the flood disaster in North Konawe Regency in 2019. Method: This type of research is descriptive. The samples of this research were ANC, PNC, and Neonate women with 329 respondents. Criteria for the sample were women aged 15-45 years, married, pregnant or already given birth, women experiencing floods with babies aged 0-28 days. The research instrument used a questionnaire that had been tested for validity and reliability. Data analysis used univariate tests to see frequency (n) and percentage (%). Results: Before, during, and after the disaster, the majority of respondents needed health checks for each ANC (95.4%; 96.6%; 100%), PNC (83.6%; 90.3%; 91.8%), and Neonate (83.6%; 90.3%; 100%) and conducted ANC health checks (96.6%; 87.7%; 95.4%), PNC (81.3%; 86.6%; 84.3%) and Neonate (82.1%; 86.6%; 88.6%), respectively. Places where respondents received the most ANC health checks before and during the disaster were Integrated healthcare center and after the disaster Public health center (40%; 35.4%; 46.6%), most PNC before and during the disaster were the Public health center and after the Integrated healthcare center disaster (34.3%; 40.3%; 36.6%), and the most Neonate before and during the disaster were Public health center and Integrated healthcare center after the disaster (36.3%; 43.3%; 37.3%), respectively. The types of examination most needed during and after disaster were ultrasound examination, contraception, and immunization. Most respondents received basic assistance and medical checkup service assistance during and after the disaster for ANC (89.2%; 32.3%) PNC (57.5%; 56.7%) and Neonate (85.1%; 61.2%) and respondents answered it was sufficient for the assistance received by ANC (89.2%; 69.2%), PNC (83.6%; 68.7%), and Neonate (85.1%; 61.2%). Conclusion: In disaster situations, health check services are needed by mothers during ANC, PNC, and also Neonate. The government and health workers need to increase the provision of assistance and prioritize reproductive health services, especially during the ANC, PNC and Neonate periods. Communities living in disaster-prone areas are expected to increase their reproductive health knowledge and information on disaster preparedness.
Kata Kunci : Kata Kunci: Banjir, Kesehatan Reproduksi, ANC, PNC, dan BBL.