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RUT EUNIKE MARPAUNG, Dr. drh. Agustina Dwi Wijayanti, M.P.

2021 | Skripsi | S1 KEDOKTERAN HEWAN

Peternakan ayam broiler di Indonesia mengalami pertumbuhan yang pesat untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pangan masyarakat. Sangrovit�® dan Formi NDF�® merupakan contoh imbuhan pakan untuk meningkatkan produktivias ayam broiler. Sangrovit�® memiliki komposisi ekstrak Macleaya cordata sedangkan Formi NDF�® memiliki komposisi Sodium diformate. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian Sangrovit�®, Formi NDF�®, serta kombinasinya terhadap bobot badan dan usus halus (duodenum, jejenum, ileum) pada ayam broiler. Ayam broiler strain platinum MB 202 sebanyak 55 ekor dibagi menjadi empat kelompok sesuai perlakuan. Setiap kelompok perlakuan terdiri dari 15 ekor ayam dan pada kontrol negatif 10 ekor ayam. Kelompok dibagi menjadi kontrol negatif hanya pemberian pakan standar (P0), 125 mg/kg pakan Sangrovit�® (P1), 1 g/kg pakan Formi NDF�® (P2), 125 mg/kg pakan Sangrovit�® + 1 g/kg pakan Formi NDF �® (P3). Ayam broiler dipelihara selama 30 hari kemudian dinekropsi 3 ekor setiap kelompok. Data dianalisis dengan SPSS menggunakan uji ANOVA One Way. Hasil analisis datanya yaitu bobot badan 1.665 �± 154,03 g (P0), 1.921,67 �± 230,24 g (P1), 1.886,67 �± 133,45 g (P2), 1.781,67 �± 139,67 g (P3); bobot duodenum 18,77 �± 3,48 g (P0), 17,71 �± 2,25 g (P1), 17,79 �± 1,33 g (P2), 19,56 �± 0,61 g (P3); bobot jejenum 33,08 �± 7,86 g (P0), 36,41 �± 7,79 g (P1), 32,30 �± 7,37 g (P2), 46,08 �± 13,89 g (P3); bobot ileum 28,28 �± 4,52 g (P0), 19 �± 4,49 g (P1), 27,72 �± 4,17 g (P2), 27,29 �± 6,31 g (P3); persentase bobot usus halus dari bobot badan 4,84 �± 0,75 % (P0), 3,79 �± 0,33 % (P1), 4,19 �± 0,79 % (P2), 5,18 �± 0,74 (P3). Hasil menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan Sangrovit�®, Formi NDF�®, serta kombinasinya tidak berpengaruh pada bobot badan maupun usus halus ayam broiler.

Broiler chicken farms in Indonesia has increased rapidly due to demand of Indonesia citizens. Sangrovit�® and Formi NDF�® are feed additives for improving productivity of broilers. Sangrovit�® has a composition of Macleaya cordata extract while Formi NDF�® has a composition of Sodium diformate. The purpose of this research is to observe the effect of Sangrovit�®, Formi NDF�®, and the combination of both on the body and small intestine weight (duodenum, jejenum, illeum) of broilers. Fiffy five broilers of platinum MB 22 strain were divided into four groups according to their treatment. Each group contained 15 broilers and 10 broilers in negative control. They were divided into groups of negative control with standar fed (P0), 125 mg/kg standar fed Sangrovit�® (P1), 1 g/kg standar fed Formi NDF�® (P2), 125 mg/kg standar fed Sangrovit�® + 1 g/kg standar fed Formi NDF �® (P3). Broilers kept and fed for thirty days then necropsy with three sample of each group. The data was analyzed on SPSS application with ANOVA One Way. The result of the analysis data from each group were the average of body weight 1.665 �± 154,03 g (P0), 1.921,67 �± 230,24 g (P1), 1.886,67 �± 133,45 g (P2), 1.781,67 �± 139,67 g (P3); duodenum weight 18,77 �± 3,48 g (P0), 17,71 �± 2,25 g (P1), 17,79 �± 1,33 g (P2), 19,56 �± 0,61 g (P3); jejenum weight 33,08 �± 7,86 g (P0), 36,41 �± 7,79 g (P1), 32,30 �± 7,37 g (P2), 46,08 �± 13,89 g (P3); illeum weight 28,28 �± 4,52 g (P0), 19 �± 4,49 g (P1), 27,72 �± 4,17 g (P2), 27,29 �± 6,31 g (P3) weight ratio of small intestine compare to body weight 4,84 �± 0,75 % (P0), 3,79 �± 0,33 % (P1), 4,19 �± 0,79 % (P2), 5,18 �± 0,74 (P3). The result shows that there are no significance difference in both body and small intestine weight of broilers that were fed with using Sangrovit�®, Formi NDF�®, and the combination of both.

Kata Kunci : Broiler, Sangrovit�®, Formi NDF�®, Bobot badan, Usus halus

  1. S1-2021-412453-abstract.pdf  
  2. S1-2021-412453-bibliography.pdf  
  3. S1-2021-412453-tableofcontent.pdf  
  4. S1-2021-412453-title.pdf