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Gerakan Jogja Garuk Sampah sebagai Gerakan Sosial Baru (Studi Kasus: Strategi Gerakan JGS dalam Melawan Minimalisme Ruang Publik berupa Sampah Visual

YOSEPH YOGA SATRIA H, Agustinus Subarsono, M.Si, MA, Ph.D.


Permasalahan sampah di perkotaan selama ini kerap dilihat hanya dalam kacamata konvensional; dalam artian hanya terbatas pada permasalahan terkait pengelolaan sampah-sampah rumah tangga. Kehadiran sampah visual atau sampah iklan khususnya di Kota Yogyakarta masih jarang mendapatkan tempat pada arus utama permasalahan sampah perkotaan padahal keberadaannya menimbulkan minimalisme ruang publik; dimana seharusnya bersifat netral dan inklusif bagi masyarakat. Kendati demikian, fenomena tersebut berhasil direspon oleh sebuah gerakan sosial baru bernama Jogja Garuk Sampah yang hadir memberikan perlawanan balik kepada para kontributor sampah visual di Kota Yogyakarta. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) menjelaskan strategi berikut manifestasinya pada kegiatan Gerakan Jogja Garuk Sampah serta (2) mengidentifikasi kendala dan tantangan yang dihadapi. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah pendekatan analisis kualitatif deskriptif, dengan lokasi penelitian di lingkungan Kota Yogyakarta. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa melalui aksi giat garuk sampah, gerakan ini memanifestasikan strategi protest politics secara terbuka dengan menggunakan cara-cara nirkekerasan. Selain itu manifestasi strategi information politics dan strategi advokasi muncul melalui berbagai konten media sosial Garuk Sampah yang berisi ide, gagasan, dan kesadaran akan permasalahan sampah visual yang selanjutnya dibagikan kepada masyarakat; serta di saat yang bersamaan juga melakukan advokasi terhadap berbagai laporan permasalahan sampah visual kepada pemerintah daerah terkait. Selain itu juga disuguhkan ironi munculnya tantangan hadirnya aksi dan ancaman kekerasan yang diterima relawan Jogja Garuk Sampah serta munculnya manifestasi strategi Low Profile dalam mensiasati tantangan tersebut. Adapun kendala gerakan yang dialami berupa aspek fluktuasi kehadiran relawan yang diakibatkan oleh faktor keterikatan gerakan yang bersifat sukarela. Saran dari penelitian ini terhadap kendala dan tantangan tersebut antara lain dengan memberikan simbol identitas tertentu agar lebih memperkuat rasa kepemilikan relawan terhadap gerakan ini. Selain itu juga memberikan kesempatan pada pihak-pihak yang hendak memberikan support baik berupa dana hibah maupun support massa melalui jaringan aliansi yang tentunya dilakukan secara selektif. Kata kunci: sampah visual, minimalisme ruang publik, strategi gerakan sosial

So far, the waste problem in urban areas has been seen only in conventional terms; in the sense that it is limited to problems related to household waste management. The presence of visual-litter or advertising waste, especially in Yogyakarta City, still rarely gets a place in the mainstream of urban waste problems, even though its existence creates minimalism in public spaces; which should be neutral and inclusive for society. Nevertheless, this phenomenon was successfully responded to by a new social movement called Jogja Garuk Sampah which was present to fight back to the visual-litter contributors in the city of Yogyakarta. This study aims to (1) explain the strategy and its manifestations in the activities of the Jogja Garuk Sampah movement and (2) to identify the obstacles and challenges it faced.The research method used in this study is a qualitative with descriptive analysis approach, and the research spesific location in the city of Yogyakarta. The results showed that through the action of garuk sampah, this movement manifested protest politics in public spaces by mostly using nonviolent methods. In addition, the manifestation of information politics strategy and advocacy strategy appears through various content on many Jogja Garuk Sampah social media, which contains ideas and awareness of the problem of visual-litter which is then distributed to the public through media social; and at the same time also advocating for various reports of visual-litter problems to the local governments. Moreover, there is irony that start to emerge from action and threats of violence received by the volunteers and members of Jogja Garuk Sampah and also the emergence of manifestations of Low Profile strategies in dealing with these challenges. In the other hand, this movement also facing a challenge in the form of fluctuations in the presence of volunteers due to the nature of voluntary movements. Suggestions from this study regarding these obstacles and challenges include providing a certain identity symbol in order to further strengthen the volunteers sense of belonging to this movement. In addition, this study also suggest this movement to gave opportunities for another parties who wish to provide support in the form of financial support or through an alliance network which of course is carried out selectively. Keywords: Visual-litter, minimalism of public space, social movements strategies

Kata Kunci : sampah visual, minimalisme ruang publik, strategi gerakan sosial

  1. S1-2021-384124-abstract.pdf  
  2. S1-2021-384124-bibliography.pdf  
  3. S1-2021-384124-tableofcontent.pdf  
  4. S1-2021-384124-title.pdf