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English Defence League's Role in the Neo-Nationalist Politics in the UK

NAUFAL RASENDRIYA, Drs. Muhadi Sugiono, M.A.


Nama English Defence League cukup popular di politik neo-nasionalisme di Britania Raya. English Defence League menegaskan bahwa mereka melawan ekstremisme Islam yang sedang menggerogoti Britania secara diam-diam. Namun, organisasi ini menunjukkan permusuhan terhadap umat Islam secara umum dengan menganggap bahwa Islam tidaklah cocok untuk diaplikasikan di negara tersebut dan hanya akan mengarah pada legitimasi kegiatan negatif yang dilakukan oleh umat Islam. Organisasi ini telah mengembangkan imaji musuh melalui berbagai langkah dalam agenda Islamofobia mereka, dengan menekankan gagasan bahwa ada ancaman terhadap ekonomi, kebebasan-demokrasi, dan sektor budaya.

The name of English Defence League has been quite famous in the United Kingdom's neo-nationalist politics scene. The English Defence League claimed that they are fighting against Islamic extremism that is creeping in Britain. Yet, the organization showed hostility towards Muslims in general by assuming that Islam is not suitable in the country and would only lead to the legitimation of negative activities done by the Muslims. The organization has developed the enemy images through various steps within their Islamophobic agenda, emphasizing the idea that there are threats to the economy, democracy-freedom, and cultural sector.

Kata Kunci : English Defence League, Neo-nationalism, far-right, Islamophobia, enemy construction, enemy images

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