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Fenomena Metrocentricity Dalam Kasus Mutasi Guru Di Indonesia

YUSNIATI, Bevaola Kusumasari, Dr.,M.Si


Salah satu dimensi penting yang masih menjadi polemik di bidang pendidikan di Indonesia saat ini adalah masalah pemerataan kualitas pendidikan melalui pendistribusian guru secara merata. Mutasi guru sebagai salah satu kebijakan untuk menciptakan pemerataan guru ternyata masih sulit dilaksanakan karena guru memiliki preferensi sendiri tentang dimana mereka ingin bekerja. Misalnya guru lebih memilih mengajar di perkotaan dibandingkan mengajar di desa. Hal ini dikenal sebagai fenomena metrocentricity pada guru. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain penelitian deskriptif kualitatif melalui wawancara online dan studi literatur. Hasil penelitian ini memberikan gambaran tentang kondisi metrosentrisitas yang terdiri atas tiga hal yakni: (1) keinginan untuk mengajar di desa, (2) Menunjukkan fitur positif mengajar di desa, dan (3) menunjukkan fitur negatif mengajar di desa. Selanjutnya melalui studi literatur ditemukan beberapa faktor yang melatarbelakangi sikap metrosentris guru yang meliputi: kehidupan di kota yang lebih modern dan kompetitif, ketersediaan fasilitas di kota yang lebih memadai, ketidakadilan dalam pengembangan profesional guru, pengaruh keluarga dan masalah terkait jarak. Dampak dari sikap para guru yang memilih - milih tempat mengajar dan berorietasi mengajar di kota menimbulkan munculnya nepotisme dalam pelaksanaan kebijakan mutasi guru dan semakin meningkatnya jumlah guru honorer sekolah.

One of the important dimension that is still being polemic in education sector in Indonesia today is the problem of distribution of the quality of education, through the distribution of teachers equally. Teacher mutation as a policy to create teacher equity is still difficult to implement because teachers have their own preferences about where they want to work. For example, teachers prefer teaching in urban areas than teaching in country or villages. This is known as the metrocentricity phenomenon in teachers. This study used a qualitative descriptive research design through online interviews and literature studies. The results of the study provide an overview of the metrocentricity which consists of three things: (1) the desire to teach in the country, (2) showing the positive features of teaching in the country, and (3) showing the negative features of teaching in the country. Furthermore, through literature studies and online interviews, we found several factors behind the metrocentric attitudes of teachers, which include: life in a more modern and competitive city, the availability of more adequate city facilities, injustice in teacher professional development, family influence and problems related to distance. The impact of the attitude of teachers who choose places to teach and have teaching orientation in the city has led to the emergence of nepotism in the implementation of teacher transfer policies and the increasing number of school honorary teacher.

Kata Kunci : Guru, pendistribusian guru, mutasi guru, metrosentris, metrosentrisitas, teacher, , teacher distribution, teacher transfer, metrocentric, metrocentricity

  1. S2-2021-449117-abstract.pdf  
  2. S2-2021-449117-bibliography.pdf  
  3. S2-2021-449117-tableofcontent.pdf  
  4. S2-2021-449117-title.pdf