Laporkan Masalah


Raden Haryo Bagas Narendratama, Dr. Samodra Wibawa, M.Sc.


Skripsi ini berusaha memahami praktik implementasi kebijakan dengan pisau analisa kesesuaian kepatuhan dan dorongan antara jaminan perlindungan yang diamanatkan undang-undang terhadap praktik implementasi di lapangan. Penelitian ini mengangkat Fisipol UGM, sebagai salah satu fakultas universitas ternama di Indonesia dan meninjau bagaimana kemajuan dalam aspek nalar kritis ilmu pengetahuan tidak sebanding dengan implementasi di lingkungan kerja kampus, khususnya terhadap blue collar workers/lapisan pekerja rentan di kampus yaitu Cleaning Service. Riset ini menganalisa implementasi pemenuhan hak tunjangan hari raya Cleaning Service selama periode 2019 khususnya di Fisipol UGM yang jarang diangkat dalam berbagai diskursus mengenai problem ketenagakerjaan di Fisipol UGM. Penelusuran terhadap Cleaning Service (objek kebijakan), Kepegawaian Fisipol (implementor), serta Dinas Tenaga Kerja (pengawas) menunjukan sudut pandang masing-masing pihak akan problem Implementasi Tunjangan Hari Raya Cleaning Service di Fisipol UGM pada tahun 2019 Hasil dari penelitian ini diharapkan dapat membawa awareness dan pemahaman lebih mengenai implementasi kebijakan di dalam lingkungan terdekat masing-masing, khususnya di Fakultas Ilmu Sosial Politik UGM.

This thesis seeks to understand the practice of implementing policies with a knife of compliance analysis and encouragement of protection guarantees mandated by laws against implementation practices in the field. This research takes the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences UGM, as one of the leading university faculties in Indonesia and examines how progress in the critical reasoning aspect of science is not comparable to implementation in the campus work environment, especially for blue collar workers / layers of vulnerable workers on campus, namely Cleaning Service. This research analyzes the implementation of the fulfillment of the Cleaning Service holiday allowance "THR" during the 2019 period, especially at the UGM Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, which is rarely raised in various discourses regarding labor problems at the UGM Faculty of Social and Political Sciences. Tracing of the Cleaning Service (policy object), Fisipol Personnel (implementor), and the Manpower Office (supervisor) shows the point of view of each party regarding the problem of implementing the Cleaning Service Holiday Allowance "THR" at FISIPOL UGM in 2019 The results of this study are expected to bring more awareness and understanding of the implementation of policies in the immediate environment, especially at the UGM Faculty of Social and Political Sciences.

Kata Kunci : Implementasi , THR , Permenaker , Cleaning Service , Fisipol UGM

  1. S1-2021-379819-abstract.pdf  
  2. S1-2021-379819-bibliography.pdf  
  3. S1-2021-379819-tableofcontent.pdf  
  4. S1-2021-379819-title.pdf