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AKHMAD SUMARNO, Dr-Ing. Sihana; Dr.Ir. Andang Widi Harto, M.T

2021 | Skripsi | S1 TEKNIK NUKLIR

Teknologi microreactor memiliki potensi dalam memenuhi kebutuhan energi pada daerah 3T (tertinggal, terdepan, dan terluar) di Indonesia. Salah satu desain microreactor terkini, yaitu, Micro Reactor Heat Pipe (MRHP) dengan bahan bakar seed dan blanket dan daya pembangkitan 5 MWt. Reaktor tersebut memiliki desain yang kompak dan sederhana sehingga menghasilkan biaya yang rendah dan ringkas. Reaktor MRHP masih dalam tahap pengembangan agar reaktor dapat beroperasi selama 10 tahun tanpa pengisian ulang bahan bakar. Dalam penelitian ini, survey parameter variasi bahan bakar seed dan blanket akan dilakukan terhadap shutdown margin, excess reactivity, nilai burnup guna mendapatkan model varian terpilih yang dapat beroperasi selama 10 tahun dan memenuhi syarat-syarat parameter. Metode variasi yang dilakukan hanya berupa pengubahan pola dan rasio elemen bahan bakar seed dan blanket tanpa pengubahan dimensi elemen bahan bakar maupun reaktor. Model varian terpilih memiliki jumlah seed sebanyak 979 dan blanket sebanyak 294. Model variasi tersebut memiliki nilai excess reactivity saat beginning of life sebesar +0,009371347 (delta k)/k dan nilai shutdown margin untuk sistem 1 dan sistem 2 berturut-turut bernilai, 3,019% dan 2,993%. Pada saat end of life, nilai burnup yang dapat dicapai sebesar 4,97 GWd/MTU dan excess reactivity sebesar, +0,002712622 (delta k)/k. Pada model varian terpilih akan dilakukan analisis parameter terhadap karakteristik burnup. Parameter yang ditinjau berupa distribusi daya teras, neutron kasip, dan faktor fisi cepat.

The microreactor technology has the potential to meet the energy needs of 3T (underdeveloped, foremost, and outermost) areas in Indonesia. One of the latest microreactor designs, namely, the Micro Reactor Heat Pipe (MRHP) with seed and blanket fuel and 5 MWt of power generation. This reactor has a compact and modest design resulting in low and concise costs. The MRHP reactor is still in the underdevelopment stage so that the reactor can operate for as long as 10th years without refueling. In this study, the survey parameter variations seed and blanket fuel would be made to the shutdown margin, excess reactivity, burnup value to get elected variant models that can operate for ten years and fulfill the terms of the parameters. The method of variation is only in the form of changing the pattern and ratio of the seed and blanket fuel elements without changing the dimensions of the fuel or reactor. The selected variant model has 979 seeds and 294 blankets. The variation model has a value of excess reactivity at the beginning of the life of +0,009371347 (delta k)/k as-well-as each value of the shutdown margin for system 1st plus system 2nd sequentially is 3,019% and 2,993%. At the end-of-life, the burnup value could be achieved at 4.97 GWd/MTU and excess reactivity of +0,002712622 (delta k)/k. In the selected variant model, a parameter analysis of the burnup characteristics would be follow-through. The parameters examined were the core power distribution, delayed neutrons, and the fast fission factor

Kata Kunci : reaktor mikro, burnup, seed, blanket

  1. S1-2021-400246-abstract.pdf  
  2. S1-2021-400246-bibliography.pdf  
  3. S1-2021-400246-tableofcontent.pdf  
  4. S1-2021-400246-title.pdf