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INTAN KURNIASARI, Ir. Rohmad Muryamto, M.Eng. Sc

2021 | Tugas Akhir | D3 TEKNIK GEOMATIKA

Pendidikan yang baik dan merata dapat menciptakan generasi penerus bangsa yang unggul dalam berbagai bidang dan dapat membawa kemajuan suatu bangsa. Saat ini belum ada pengembangan peta interaktif berbasis web yang memudahkan masyarakat, khususnya Banyumas dalam mengetahui cakupan wilayah hasil zonasi sekaligus menyajikan informasi terperinci mengenai hasil penerimaan peserta didik baru. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan pembuatan peta interaktif berbasis web apps mengenai realisasi hasil zonasi yang bersumber dari hasil seleksi penerimaan peserta didik baru SMA di Kabupaten Banyumas periode 2019/2020 sehingga dapat dijadikan bahan evaluasi pada penerimaan peserta didik baru selanjutnya. Data yang digunakan pada penelitian ini yaitu data spasial berupa shapefile wilayah administrasi Kabupaten Banyumas, koordinat lokasi SMA, koordinat lokasi kantor desa/kelurahan di Kabupaten Banyumas, dan data pendukung lainnya seperti data zonasi sekolah beserta daya tampungnya, dan data rekap hasil seleksi penerimaan peserta didik baru SMA negeri di wilayah Kabupaten Banyumas periode 2019/2020. Web apps tersebut memiliki beberapa fitur yang harus ada pada peta seperti legenda, koordinat, dan skala garis. Selain itu juga terdapat beberapa tombol seperti search, zooming, icon dan terdapat tiga menu custom widget seperti diantaranya penunjuk arah, basemap, dan about. Pada bagian map memuat persebaran lokasi sekolah dan kantor kelurahan disertai pop-up yang berisikan identitas umum sekolah dan rincian informasi mengenai hasil seleksi calon peserta didik baru. Hasil kuisioner pengujian web apps yang telah diisi oleh 15 responden menyatakan bahwa tampilan web apps sudah cukup bagus dan informatif sesuai dengan fungsinya.

A good and equitable education can create the next generation that excels in various fields and can develop their progress to the nation. Currently, there is no development on interactive map based on web that will make it easier for the community, especially Banyumas, to knowing the coverage of the zoning results as well as presenting detailed information on the results of new student admissions. Therefore, this study aims to make an interactive map based on web apps regarding of the realization base on zoning results from the selection results of the new high school student admissions in Banyumas Regency for the period 2019/2020 that could be use as evaluation material for the next new student admission. The data used in this study are spatial data in the form of shapefiles for the administrative area of Banyumas Regency, coordinates for high school locations, coordinates of location of village / sub-district offices in Banyumas Regency, and other supporting data such as school zoning data and capacity, and recap data on the new selection of student from senior high school admissions in the Banyumas Regency area for the 2019/2020 period. These web apps have several features that a map should have, such as a legend, coordinates, and scale lines. In addition, there are also several buttons such as search, zooming, icons and there are three custom widget menus such as directions, basemap, and about. The map section contains the distribution of the location of schools and sub-district offices along with a pop-up, containing the general identity of the school and detailed information about the results of the selection of prospective new students. The results of the web apps testing questionnaire that had been filled in by 15 respondents stated that the appearance of the web apps was quite good and informative according to its function.

Kata Kunci : Zonasi, Web apps, Banyumas, Peta, Sistem Informasi Geospasial

  1. D3-2021-411137-abstract.pdf  
  2. D3-2021-411137-bibliography.pdf  
  3. D3-2021-411137-tableofcontent.pdf  
  4. D3-2021-411137-title.pdf