Laporkan Masalah


JAKA PERSADA S, Dr. Danang Lelono, S.Si., M.T. dan Dr. Andi Dharmawan, S.Si., M.Cs.


Wahana VTOL-plane merupakan wahana hybrid yang menggabungkan wahana fixed-wing dan wahana rotary-wing dengan kelebihan endurance yang baik serta maneuver yang baik. Penggabungan dua jenis UAV ini memerlukan sistem kendali yang mampu menstabilkan perpindahan dari mode fixed-wing ke mode rotary-wing maupun sebaliknya. Terjadi disorientasi sikap berupa penurunan ketinggian disebabkan overshoot pada gerak rotasi. oleh karena itu, perpindahan mode atau kendali membutuhkan banyak parameter masukan. Metode kendali Linear Quadratic Regulator (LQR) salah satu metode kendali yang mampu menghasilkan kesalahan minimum dan mampu menangani banyak parameter masukan. Metode kendali LQR menggunakan 12 buah state parameter sebagai masukan berupa sudut , kecepatan dan posisi wahana. Kemudian dioptimasi menggunakan fullstate feedback gain yang nilainya diperoleh menggunakan metode Linear Quadratic Regulator (LQR). Proses penalaan dilakukan melalui simulasi kendali pada MATLAB dan hasil simulasi berupa nilai fullstate feedback gain . LQR menghasilkan kesalahan minimum dengan meminimalkan biaya pengendalian yang bertujuan untuk membawa state dari sistem menuju ke state nol. Kemudian Fullstate feedback gain yang didapatkan, digunakan untuk mendapatkan nilai masukan sistem yang akan dikonversikan menjadi nilai sudut defleksi servo dan PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) untuk mengatur kecepatan putar motor brushless. Nilai masukan sistem yang didapat di generate ke dalam code program dan di compile, kemudian di upload ke dalam sistem hardware melalui perangkat interface. Penerapkan sistem kendali LQR pada wahana VTOL-plane telah berhasil dilakukan dan mampu menekan overshoot dengan hasil yang optimal. Sehingga mampu mencegah terjadinya disorientasi sikap berupa penurunan ketinggian. Sistem kendali LQR menghasilkan respon kendali dengan nilai rise time pada anti-roll 0,41 detik dan anti-pitch 0,38 detik serta overshoot pada anti-roll 3,35º dan anti-pitch 3,17º. Kendali LQR telah memenuhi spesifikasi dari kebutuhan wahana VTOL-plane dalam menangani kesalahan minimum. Terjadinya disorientasi sikap disebabkan overshoot, serta penanganan sistem kendali yang hanya mampu menangani sedikit masukan dan keluaran pada wahana VTOL-plane.

VTOL-plane is a hybrid vehicle that combines a fixed-wing vehicle and a rotary-wing vehicle with the advantages of good endurance and good maneuverability. Combining these two types of UAVs requires a control system capable of stabilizing the shift from fixed-wing to rotary-wing mode or vice versa. Attitude disorientation occurs in the form of a decrease in height due to overshoot. therefore, a mode or control shift requires many input parameters. The Linear Quadratic Regulator (LQR) control method is one of the control methods capable of producing minimum errors and capable of many input parameters. The LQR control method uses 12 state parameters as input in the form of angle, speed and vehicle position. Then it is optimized using fullstate feedback gain whose value is obtained using the Linear Quadratic Regulator (LQR) method. The tuning process is carried out through control simulation in MATLAB and the simulation results are in the form of the fullstate feedback gain value. LQR produces minimum errors by minimizing control costs which aim to bring the state from the system to zero state. Then the Fullstate feedback gain obtained is used to get the system input value which will be converted into a servo deflection angle value and PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) to adjust the rotational speed of the brushless motor. The system input values obtained are generated into the program code and compiled, then uploaded to the hardware system via the interface device. The implementation of the LQR control system on the VTOL-plane vehicle has been successfully carried out and is able to suppress overshoot with optimal results. So that it can prevent attitude disorientation in the form of a decrease in height. The LQR control system produces a control response with a rise time value of 0.38 second anti-roll and 0.41 seconds anti-roll and an overshoot of 3.35° anti-roll and 3.17° anti-roll. The LQR control meets the specifications of the VTOL-plane vehicle requirements to handle minimum errors. Attitude disorientation occurs due to overshoot, as well as handling of the control system which can only handle a small amount of input and output on the VTOL-plane vehicle.

Kata Kunci : LQR, full-state-feedback, transisi, UAV

  1. S2-2021-433779-abstract.pdf  
  2. S2-2021-433779-bibliography.pdf  
  3. S2-2021-433779-tableofcontent.pdf  
  4. S2-2021-433779-title.pdf