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KAHARUDDIN, Ecotourism, community forest, adaptation

2020 | Disertasi | DOKTOR ILMU KEHUTANAN

Pengembangan ekowisata berbasis masyarakat sudah sering dilakukan, namun adaptasi ekowisata berbasis kelompok tani hutan masih jarang ditemukan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan strategi, wujud dan tingkat keberhasilan adaptasi masyarakat, serta implikasinya terhadap keberlanjutan ekowisata Kalibiru. Model Tourism Area Life Cycle (TALC) dari Butler (1980), teori adaptasi Bennett (1976), dan konsep efektivitas organisasi Robbins (1994) digunakan sebagai pendekatan untuk memahami proses adaptasi masyarakat dan menguji konsep ekowisata berbasis masyarakat. Pendekatan kasus tunggal digunakan untuk menelaah fenomena tersebut secara mendalam dan menyeluruh melalui berbagai sumber data. Analisis sejarah, struktur, efektivitas dan deskriptif analitik digunakan untuk menjelaskan fenomena tersebut. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ekowisata Kalibiru mengalami 3 tahap perkembangan (pionering, developing, declining). Hambatan sosial, pendanaan, sumberdaya manusia menjadi hambatan utama yang dihadapi pada setiap tahap perkembangan. Strategi persuasif diterapkan pengelola Hutan Kemasyarakatan (HKm) untuk mengatasi hal tersebut. Wujud adaptasinya terlihat pada perubahan lembaga HKm (struktur, aturan main, HKm, hubungan antar lembaga), perubahan perilaku individu (irama kerja, komunikasi dan keterampilan), dan bentuk ekowisata moderat khas Kalibiru. Keberhasilan adaptasi yang tinggi (raihan pendapatan, partisipasi masyarakat, kepuasan pengunjung dan kondisi hutan yang baik), sejalan dengan penilaian keberlanjutan ekowisata yang masuk kategori istimewa (sangat berkelanjutan).

Community based ecotourism development is often carried out, but ecotourism adaptation of forest-based community forest is still rarely found. The aim of this study is to explain the strategies, the features and success of society's adaptation, and its implications of the sustainability of ecotourism. The model tourism area life cycle of Butler (1980), Bennett's adaptation theory (1976), and the concept of the effectiveness of organization Robbins (1994) are used as an approach to understanding society's adaptation process and testing the concept of community based ecotourism. A single case approach is used to study the phenomenon of in-depth and comprehensively through various data sources. Historical, structural, effectiveness and analytical analytics are used to explain the phenomenon. Research indicates that the Kalibiru ecotourism is developing in three stages (pioneering, developing, declining). Social barriers, funding, human resources are the major obstacles faced at every stage of development. A persuasive strategy for community forest management can work on that. Its adaptability is reflected in the changing of the community forest institutions (the structure, rules of the game, and relations between institutions), individual behavior changes (work rhythms, communication and skills), and the moderate form of ecotourism Kalibiru. High adaptive success (income, community participation, visitor satisfaction and good forest conditions), coincides with the assessment of ecotourism sustainability (highly sustainable).

Kata Kunci : Ekowisata, hutan kemasyarakatan, adaptasi

  1. S3-2020-351973-abstract.pdf  
  2. S3-2020-351973-bibliography.pdf  
  3. S3-2020-351973-tableofcontent.pdf  
  4. S3-2020-351973-title.pdf