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KAMPANYE DIET KANTONG PLASTIK (Studi Kasus Pemerintah Kota Banjarmasin Pada Penerapan Perwali No 18 Tahun 2016 di Pusat Perbelanjaan Mall, Toko Ritel dan Pasar Tradisional Tahun 2016 sd 2019)

BUDI RONI WIJAYA, Dr. Rajiyem, S.I.P., M.Si


Penelitian bertujuan untuk menganalisis proses kampanye diet kantong plastik oleh Pemerintah Kota Banjarmasin tahun 2016 sampai dengan 2019. Kampanye dianalisis menggunakan model komunikasi one step flow, two step flow dan multi step flow. Serta analisis proses pesan the learn, feel, do model, the feel, learn, do model dan the do, feel, learn model. Metode penelitian menggunakan studi kasus dilengkapi pendekatan konstruktivisme .Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan studi dokumen, wawancara,dokumentasi dan dianalisis melalui metode kualitatif deskriptif. . Pemerintah Kota Banjarmasin melaksanakan kampanye diet kantong plastik melalui tahap perencanaan pelaksanaan dan evaluasi. Pelaksanaan kampanye menerapkan 3 model komunikasi 1) one step flow model kampanye dilakukan secara tatap muka kepada audiens di sekolah, pasar tradisional dan tempat wisata. 2) two step flow model publikasi pesan kampanye disampaikan melalui media massa lokal dengan menjalin kerjasama dalam hal publikasi. 3) multi step flow model menjadi tahap pesan kampanye disampaikan melalui agen periklanan yaitu bidang kerjasama LPP RRI terkait publikasi iklan layanan masyarakat berbentuk adlibs. Pemerintah kota Banjarmasin menyampaikan pesan melalui 3 proses : 1) the learn, feel, do model pesan disampaikan dengan menanamkan pengetahuan kepada audiens terkait bahaya plastik, di sekolah dan pasar tradisional. 2) the feel, learn, do model merupakan strategi pesan disampaikan untuk mempengaruhi perasaan emosi khalayak dengan menanamkan rasa takut terkait bahaya kantong plastik untuk masa depan. 3) the do, feel, learn model merupakan upaya bahwa diet kantong plastik harus segera dilaksanakan karena TPA Basirih Banjarmasin dalam 5 tahun kedepan tidak mampu menampung sampah dari provinsi Kalimantan Selatan Kata Kunci : Kampanye Komunikasi, Diet Kantong Plastik, Kota Banjarmasin

This study aims to analyze the process of the plastic bag diet campaign by the Banjarmasin City Government from 2016 to 2019. The campaign was analyzed using one-step flow, two-step flow and multi-step flow communication models. As well as analysis of the message process the learn, feel, do model, the feel, learn, do model and the do, feel, learn model. The research method uses a case study with a constructivism approach. Data collection techniques use document studies, interviews, documentation and analyzed through descriptive qualitative methods. Banjarmasin City Government carries out a plastic bag diet campaign through the planning and evaluation stages. Campaign implementation applies 3 communication models 1) one step flow model campaign is carried out face to face with audiences in schools, traditional markets and tourist attractions. 2) a two-step flow model for the publication of campaign messages delivered through local mass media by cooperating in terms of publication. 3) the multi-step flow model becomes the message campaign stage delivered through advertising agencies, namely the LPP RRI cooperation field related to the publication of public service advertisements in the form of adlibs. Banjarmasin city government delivers messages through 3 processes: 1) the learn, feel, do model message is conveyed by imparting knowledge to the audience regarding the dangers of plastic, in schools and traditional markets. 2) the feel, learn, do model is a message strategy to influence people's emotional feelings by instilling fear regarding the dangers of plastic bags in the future. 3) the do, feel, learn model is an effort that the plastic bag diet must be implemented immediately because the Basirih TPA in Banjarmasin in the next 5 years is unable to accommodate garbage from South Kalimantan province Keywords: Communication Campaign, Plastic Bag Diet, Banjarmasin City

Kata Kunci : Kampanye Komunikasi, Diet Kantong Plastik, Kota Banjarmasin

  1. S2-2020-434266-bibliography.pdf  
  2. S2-2020-434266-tableofcontent.pdf  
  3. S2-2020-434266-Title.pdf