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ANWAR JAMAN, Prof. Dr. rer.nat. Nuryono, M.S ; Dr. Suyanta, M.Si

2020 | Tesis | MAGISTER KIMIA

Pembuatan White Mineral Trioxide Aggregate (WMTA) menggunakan bahan awal silika ekstraksi abu sekam padi dan kalsium karbonat batu kapur dengan pengaruh penambahan partikel silika pada sifat WMTA telah dilakukan. Penelitian ini diawali dengan kalsinasi abu sekam padi pada temperatur 700 C selama 3 jam. Ektraksi silika dilakukan menggunakan NaOH 2M dan HCl dengan perlakuan penambahan HCl diikuti sonifikasi dan tanpa sonifikasi. Hasil ekstrak dicuci menggunakan air deionisasi. Kalsium karbonat dibuat dari batu kapur dengan menggunakan HNO3 1 M dan NH3 serta dilanjutkan karbonasi. Pembuatan WMTA dimulai dengan mencampurkan SiO2, CaCO3 dan Al2O3. Campuran tersebut dihomogenasi dengan air deionisasi dan dipanaskan, selanjutnya dibuat pelet dikalsinasi pada temperatur 1000 C, produk kalsinasi, ditambahkan Bi2O3 dan modifikasi dengan penambahan filler silika sonifikasi dan silika fume. Karakter WMTA yang dihasilkan dibandingkan dengan WMTA komersial (WMTA ProRoot). Hasil dari ekstraksi silika dengan perlakuan sonifikasi SiO2 99,96% dan Kalsium karbonat dapat disintesis dengan metode karbonasi setelah penambahan HNO3 dan NH3 25%. WMTA dan WMTA termodifikasi, memiliki fase Ca3SiO5, Ca2SiO4 dan Ca3Al2O6 yang serupa WMTA ProRoot. Setelah hidrasi, WMTA dengan filler silika fume 10% menunjukan karakter uji diameter tensile strength 3,64 kurang lebih 0,12 MPa nilai pH dan pelepasan Ca2+ yang cenderung stabil pada variasi hari ke-1, 3, dan 7, serta kelarutan 20,06 kurang lebih 2,21%. Uji radiopasitas menunjukkan sifat radiopak dengan tingkat radiopasitas 1,70 +/ 0,80 mmAl.

The preparation of White Mineral Trioxide Aggregate (WMTA) using the starting material of silica extraction of rice husk ash and limestone calcium carbonate and the effect of adding silica particles on the WMTA properties have been conducted. This research was started with calcination of rice husk at 700 C for 3 hours. Silica extraction was carried out using 2M NaOH and HCl with the addition of sonification HCl and without sonification. The extract was washed using deionized water. Then the calcium carbonate was extracted using 1 M HNO3 and NH3 by carbonation. Peparation of WMTA was started by mixing the mass ratio of SiO2 extracted, CaCO3 extracted and Al2O3. The mixture was homogenized, then made pellets. The pellets were calcined at a temperature of 1000 C, the calcined and Bi2O3 was added, then modified with the addition of filler extracted from sonicated silica and silica fume. The resulting WMTA characters are compared to commercial WMTA (WMTA ProRoot). Results show that silica and calcium carbonate have succeded as the basic precursors for WMTA preparation. Silica containing 99.96% of SiO2 and free of sodium was produced from extraction of rice husk ash by sonification treatment. Calcium carbonate was synthesized by carbonation method with the addition of HNO3 and NH3 25%. WMTA and aWMTA modified with silica sonicated filler and silica fume successfully made, contained Ca3SiO5, Ca2SiO4 and Ca3Al2O6 phases which are similar to WMTA ProRoot. Hydrated WMTA with the addition of 10% silica fume filler showed a tensile strength test character of 3.64 approximately 0.12 MPa, the pH value and the release of Ca2+ tended to be stable on the variations of days (1, 3, and 7) The solubility value was 20.06 approximately 6 2.21%; and the radiopacity test showed radiopaque properties with a radiopacity level of 1.70 approximately 0.80 mmAl.

Kata Kunci : Kata kunci: SiO2, CaCO3, silika fume, White Mineral Trioxide Aggregate (WMTA), Ca3SiO5, Ca2SiO4 dan Ca3Al2O6 / Keywords: SiO2, CaCO3, silica fume, White Mineral Trioxide Aggregate (WMTA), Ca3SiO5, Ca2SiO4 and Ca3Al2O6

  1. S2-2020-433812-Abstract.pdf  
  2. S2-2020-433812-Bibliography.pdf  
  3. S2-2020-433812-Tableofcontent.pdf  
  4. S2-2020-433812-Title.pdf