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Swear Words Found in TV Series "Peaky Blinders season 1 and 2"

SHINDU, Dra. Rio Rini Diah Moehkadi

2020 | Skripsi | S1 SASTRA INGGRIS

Penelitian ini mendiskusikan makian dalam serial tv "Peaky Blinders season 1 dan 2". Penelitian ini fokus ke klasifikasi tipe makian berdasarkan teori Hughes (2006) yaitu genital term, excretory term, animal term, anatomical term, imbecilic term, general term, religious term, and sexual term. Sedangkan untuk tujuan dari kata makian itu sendiri penulis menggunakan teori yang diusulkan Rothwell (1973) yaitu to create attention, to discredit someone or something, to provoke, to create personal identification, and to provide catharsis. Hasilnya menunjukkan ada 229 data dan hanya enam dari delapan tipe makian ditemukan dalam dua belas episode Peaky Blinders musim pertama dan kedua. Sexual terms merupakan yang paling banyak digunakan oleh kelima karakter dengan 147 data, di ikuti general terms dengan 49 data. Untuk tujuan dari makian, hasilnya menunjukkan ke lima karakter menggunakan kata makian kebanyakkan untuk provide catharsis dengan 69,43%.

This research discussed swear words in TV series Peaky Blinders season 1 and 2. It is focused on the classification of swear words proposed by Hughes (2006) which are genital, excretory, animal, anatomical, imbecilic, general, religious, and sexual terms. Meanwhile, the purpose of those swear words is to use Rothwell's theory (1973) which is to create attention, to discredit someone or something, to provoke, to create personal identification, and to provide catharsis. The result shows 229 data are found and only six out of eight are found in the twelve episodes of "Peaky Blinders season 1 and 2". Sexual terms are the most used by the five characters with 147 data, followed by general terms with 49 data. While, for the purposes, the characters used swear words mostly to provide catharsis with 69,43%.

Kata Kunci : swear words, purposes of swearing, Peaky Blinders

  1. S1-2020-394796-ABSTRACT.pdf  
  2. S1-2020-394796-BIBLIOGRAPHY.pdf  
  3. S1-2020-394796-TABLEOFCONTENT.pdf  
  4. S1-2020-394796-TITLE.pdf