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Analisis Kawasan Integrated Transport Hubs (ITHs) Toa Payoh Sebagai Implementasi Smart Mobility di Singapura

HADDAD AL RASYID S, Dr. Rini Rachmawati, S.Si., M.T.


Smart mobility merupakan salah satu aspek smart city yang memadukan konsep teknologi dan transportasi. Singapura sebagai peringkat pertama dalam pengimplementasian smart city dan mobilitas memiliki salah satu produk yang dinamakan dengan Integrated Transport Hubs (ITHs), salah satunya ITHs Toa Payoh. Oleh sebab itu, tujuan penelitian ini adalah 1) mengidentifikasi pemanfaatan ITHs Toa Payoh dan fasilitas di dalamnya, 2) mengidentifikasi alasan penetapan ITHs Toa Payoh, 3) menganalisis dampak ITHs Toa Payoh dengan konsep station mall, 4) menganalisis konsep smart mobility dalam ITHs Toa Payoh. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kualitatif. Data primer bersumber dari hasil observasi lapangan, indepth interview terhadap perwakilan Land Transport Authority (LTA), dan studi literatur terhadap publikasi transportasi, sejarah Toa Payoh, statistik transportasi, dan guideline smart mobility di Singapura. Pengolahan data tersebut dilakukan secara deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ITHs Toa Payoh telah menyediakan fasilitas fisik yang menunjang perjalanan cerdas, meliputi papan informasi, pemisahan jalur antrian, eskalator, lift, dan fasilitas disabilitas-manula. ITHs Toa Payoh didirikan bertujuan untuk konektivitas dan kebutuhan mobilitas masyarakat HDB sekitar ITHs sebagai new town center pertama di Singapura. Oleh sebab itu, fasilitas penunjang diberikan dalam station mall yang berkonsep pedestrian mall. Terkait pengimplementasian smart mobility, ITHs Toa Payoh telah menerapkan green mobility yang mempromosikan penggunaan transportasi umum melalui konektivitas MRT dengan Bus sebagai transportasi umum masyarakat Toa Payoh. Selain itu, ITHs Toa Payoh juga telah mengimplementasikan informatif dan interaktif melalui fasilitas fisik. Terdapat pula bentuk produk digital, yaitu “MyTransport.SG” yang tersedia dalam tampilan website dan aplikasi.

Smart mobility is one aspect of smart city combining technology and transportation concepts. Singapore as the first rank in implementing smart city and mobility has a product named Integrated Transport Hubs (ITHs), one of them is ITHs Toa Payoh. Therefore, the objectives of this study are 1) identifying the utilization of ITHs Toa Payoh and its facilities, 2) identifying the reasons for determining ITHs Toa Payoh, 3) analyzing the impact of ITHs Toa Payoh with the station mall concept, 4) analyzing the concept of smart mobility in ITHs Toa Payoh. The method used in this research was qualitative. Primary data collected from direct field observations, in-depth interview with representative of Land Transport Authority (LTA), and literature studies on transportation publications, the history of Toa Payoh, transportation statistics, and smart mobility guidelines in Singapore. All data processed was carried out in a qualitative descriptive. The results showed that ITHs Toa Payoh has provided physical facilities that support smart travel, including information boards, separation of queues, escalators, elevators, and facilities for the disability-elderly. ITHs Toa Payoh was established aimed to achieve connectivity and mobility needs of the HDB community around ITHs as the first new town center in Singapore. Therefore, supporting facilities were provided in the station mall with the pedestrian mall concept. Regarding the implementation of smart mobility, ITHs Toa Payoh has implemented green mobility to promote the utilization of public transportation through MRT connectivity with buses as public transportation for Toa Payoh community. In addition, ITHs Toa Payoh has also implemented informative and interactive through physical facilities provided. There is also digital product, namely "MyTransport.SG" which is available on website and application.

Kata Kunci : smart mobility, public transportation, facility, digital

  1. S1-2020-393524-abstract.pdf  
  2. S1-2020-393524-bibliography.pdf  
  3. S1-2020-393524-tableofcontent.pdf  
  4. S1-2020-393524-title.pdf