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NUR FITRI RAMADHANI, Dr. Andriati Ningrum, S.TP., M.Agr.; Dr. Widiastuti Setyaningsih, STP, M.Sc.


Kulit ikan tuna telah banyak dimanfaatkan sebagai bahan dasar pembuatan gelatin, namun peggunaan Gelatin Kulit Tuna (GKT) dalam industri pangan masih perlu dikembangkan untuk memperbaiki sifat fungsionalnya. Gelatin yang diperkaya dengan kayu manis yang mengandung senyawa bioaktif dapat menjadi bahan aditif makanan potensial salah satunya untuk meningkatkan kandungan antioksidan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu untuk mempelajari pengaruh pretreatment yang berbeda sebelum proses ekstraksi dan untuk mengetahui pengaruh penambahan bubuk kayu manis pada GKT. Penelitian ini terdiri dari dua tahap. Tahap pertaman pretreatment menggunakan NaOH dan H2SO4 dengan konsentrasi yang berbeda, sedangkan tahap kedua yaitu tahap penambahan 20% bubuk kayu manis. Penelitian tahap satu diperoleh kekuatan gel dan viskositas pada kisaran 80,9- 379,48 g Bloom dan 2,96-24,13 c Ps. Perlakuan pretreatment 0,2% NaOH + 0,3% H2SO4 dengan merupakan perlakuan yang paling optimum dengan rendemen sebesar 15,91%, kekuatan gel sebesar 345,97 g Bloom dan viskositas 24,13 cPs dibandingkan tujuh perlakuan lainnya.. Karakteristik gelatin dengan penambahan 20% bubuk kayu manis (GKT+KM) yaitu menghasilkan kekuatan gel 255,78 g Bloom, nilai L 52,63, nilai a 5,18,dan nilai b 12,37. Komposisi proksimat GKT+KM seperti kadar air 7,16%, kadar abu 2,87%, dan kadar protein 50,30%. Selanjutnya nilai pH GKT+KM yaitu 6,26, nilai WHC 245,13%, nilai OHC 200,61%, dan persentase RSA 14,99%. Analisis Gugus Fungsi dengan Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) menunjukkan puncak serapan Amida I, II, dan GKT+KM yang lebih rendah dibandingkan GK dan GKT yaitu 1627,92, 1527,62 dan 2924,09. Puncak serapan Amida III lebih tinggi dibandingkan GK dan GKT yaitu 1249,87. Puncak serapan Amida A mirip dengan GKT yaitu 3425,58.

Tuna fish skin has been widely used as a base for making gelatin, however the use of Tuna Skin Gelatin (GKT) in the food industry still needs to be developed to improve its functional properties. Gelatin enriched with cinnamon which contains bioactive compounds can be a potential food additive, one of which is to increase antioxidant content. The purpose of this study was to study the effect of different pretreatments before the extraction process and to determine the effect of adding cinnamon powder to GKT. This research consists of two stages. The first stage of pretreatment used NaOH and H2SO4 with different concentrations, while the second stage was the addition of 20% cinnamon powder. The first stage of research obtained gel strength and viscosity in the range of 80.9- 379.48 g Bloom and 2.96-24.13 c Ps. The pretreatment treatment of 0.2% NaOH + 0.3% H2SO4 was the most optimum treatment with a yield of 15.91%, gel strength of 345.97 g Bloom and a viscosity of 24.13 cPs compared to seven other treatments. Characteristics of gelatin with the addition of 20% cinnamon powder (GKT + KM), which resulted in a gel strength of 255.78 g Bloom, an L value of 52.63, an a value of 5.18, and a b value of 12.37. Proximate composition of GKT + KM such as water content of 7.16%, ash content of 2.87%, and protein content of 50.30%. Furthermore, the pH value of GKT + KM was 6.26, the WHC value was 245.13%, the OHC value was 200.61%, and the percentage of RSA was 14.99%. Functional group analysis using Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) showed that the absorption peaks of Amide I, II, and GKT + KM were lower than GK and GKT, namely 1627.92, 1527.62 and 2924.09. The absorption peak of Amide III was higher than that of GK and GKT, namely 1249.87. The absorption peak of Amide A is similar to GKT which is 3425.58.

Kata Kunci : Tuna fish skin, gelatin, pretreatment, cinnamon powder.

  1. S2-2020-434965-abstract.pdf  
  2. S2-2020-434965-bibliography.pdf  
  3. S2-2020-434965-tableofcontent.pdf  
  4. S2-2020-434965-title.pdf