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NUR HAYATI, Dwi Siswanta, M.Eng., PhD.

2020 | Tesis | MAGISTER KIMIA

Telah dilakukan penelitian tentang modifikasi silika (SiO2) dari limbah kerak silika industri geotermal dengan APTES sebagai adsorben ion Pb2+ Parameter yang berpengaruh pada proses adsorpsi ion Pb2+ oleh SiO2-APTES meliputi pH, konsentrasi ion Pb2+, temperatur, dan waktu kontak. Hal ini untuk menentukan pH optimum, parameter kinetika, dan termodinamika reaksi adsorpsi. Selektivitas adsorben tentukan dengan melakukan uji selektivitas SiO2-APTES terhadap ion Cu2+, Co2+, Ni2+, dan Zn2+. Penelitian ini dibagi menjadi dua bagian, yaitu pemurnian limbah kerak silika dan karakterisasi adsorben SiO2-APTES, serta adsorpsi ion Pb2+ menggunakan SiO2-APTES. Kerak silika diambil dari PT Geo Dipa Dieng. Pemurnian kerak silika dilakukan dengan kalsinasi pada temperatur 600 C dan pengasaman dengan 1 M HCl. Modifikasi SiO2 dengan APTES dilakukan menggunakan pelarut etanol pada temperatur 70 C. Karakterisasi SiO2-APTES menggunakan XRF, XRD, SEM-EDS, dan FTIR. Konsentrasi Pb sebelum dan setelah adsorpsi dianalisis menggunakan AAS. Adsorpsi ion Pb2+ dengan SiO2-APTES mencapai optimal pada pH 6. Adsorpsi ion Pb SiO2-APTES mengikuti model kinetika orde pseudo kedua. Secara termodinamika cenderung mengikuti model adsorpsi Langmuir dengan kapasitas adsorpsi maksimum (qmak) 53,9-66,0 mg g-1 Proses adsorpsi berjalan spontan jika temperatur ditingkatkan dan kisaran besarnya ( 30,9-80,4 kJ mol-1) dapat disimpulkan bahwa adsorpsi ion Pb2+ oleh SiO2-APTES merupakan rekasi adsorpsi kimia. Mekanisme interaksi antara ion Pb2+ didominasi oleh interaksi eletrostatik dan kompleksasi. Adsorben SiO2-APTES memiliki selektivitas adsorpsi terhadap beberapa kation sebagai berikut Pb2+>Cu2+>Co2+>Ni2+>Zn2+.

Research on the surface modification of silica (SiO2) from silica scale of geothermal industry waste using APTES as adsorbent for Pb2+ ion has been conducted. Parameters affecting the adsorption of Pb2+ ion on SiO2-APTES which include pH, temperature, concentration, and interaction time. They were used to found the optimum pH, kinetic and thermodynamic parameters. The adsorbent selectivity was determined by performing the SiO2-APTES selectivity test against Cu2+, Co2+, Ni2+, and Zn2+ ions. This research was divided into two-part, purification and characterization of SiO2-APTES, and the adsorption of Pb2+ ion with SiO2-APTES. Silica was purified from the geothermal waste of Geo Dipa Dieng. Purification of SiO2 was conducted by calcination at 600 C and acidification by 1 M HCl. Modification of SiO2 with APTES was carried out using ethanol solvents at 70 C. The characterization of SiO2-APTES was used XRF, XRD, SEM-EDS, and FTIR. The concentrations of Pb before and after adsorption were analyzed by AAS. Adsorption of Pb2+ ion was optimum at pH 6. It takes only 30 min to reach the maximum adsorption capacity of SiO2-APTES. The experimental data conforms to the pseudosecondary kinetic models. Adsorption of Pb2+ ion by SiO2-APTES thermodynamically has tendency to follow Langmuir isoterm models with maximum adsorption capacity (qmax) from 53.9-66.0 mg g-1 The adsorption process more spontaneous as temperature increased and from the range of the entalpy value (30.9-80.4 kJ mol -1) it was concluded that adsorption of Pb2+ ion was chemical adsorption process. The interaction mechanism between Pb2+ ion and the reactive group is mainly electrostatic interaction and complexation. The selectivity from SiO2-APTES order of Pb2+>Cu2+>Co2+>Ni2+>Zn2+.

Kata Kunci : kerak silika, silika termodifikasi, adsorpsi / silica scaling, SiO2 modified, adsorption

  1. S2-2020-433842-Abstract.pdf  
  2. S2-2020-433842-Bibliography.pdf  
  3. S2-2020-433842-Tableofcontent.pdf  
  4. S2-2020-433842-Title.pdf