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SARI MARISKA SIREGAR, Dr. Supriyadi, S.H., M.Hum.


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis peluang penerapan diversi berbasis keadilan restoratif dalam penyelesaian perkara pidana umum serta mengkaji dan merumuskan parameter penerapan diversi berbasis keadilan restoratif di masa mendatang. Penelitian ini menggunakaan metode penelitian normatif untuk memperoleh data sekunder melalui penelitian kepustakaan dan didukung dengan data primer melalui wawancara dengan narasumber. Data tersebut dianalisis secara kualitatif dengan metode deskriptif analitis dan preskriptif. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dan pembahasan disimpulkan sebagai berikut: Pertama, Peluang penerapan diversi berbasis keadilan restoratif dalam penyelesaian perkara pidana umum sangat besar apabila dikaji dari berbagai aspek. Peluang terbesar tampak pada Pancasila sila ke-4 yang terkandung unsur permusyaratan yang mana ditemukan dalam tradisi hukum adat. Secara yuridis penerapan diversi telah berlaku dalam sistem peradilan pidana anak dengan diundangkannya UU Nomor 11 Tahun 2012. Peluang penerapan diversi juga disadari dalam perkembangan politik hukum dunia internasional melalui pedoman Basic Principles on the Use of Restorative Justice Programmes in Criminal Matters. Kedua, Parameter penerapan diversi berbasis keadilan restoratif dalam perkara pidana umum sebaiknya terbatas pada perkara pidana umum yang bukan merupakan pengulangan tindak pidana saja. Hal ini melihat karakteristiknya yang bersifat alternatif penyelesaian perkara sehingga tidak menghapus eksistensi sistem peradilan pidana apabila kesepakatan tidak berhasil dicapai atau apabila hasil kesepakatan tidak dilaksanakan sebagaimana mestinya. Parameter penyelesaian perkara melalui diversi berbasis keadilan restoratif tidak tepat mengacu pada penetapan musyawarah diversi saja tetapi harus merujuk pada terlaksananya hasil kesepakatan diversi sebagai bukti tuntasnya penyelesaian perkara tersebut yang kemudian dapat menjadi dasar diterbitkannya surat penghentian penyidikan atau penuntutan. Sedangkan mekanisme musyawarah diversi dapat mengadopsi UU SPPA dimana dilaksanakan di tiap tingkat penyidikan, penuntutan, dan pemeriksaan persidangan hanya pada praktiknya lebih tepat dijalankan secara berjenjang melihat kategori tindak pidana meliputi musyawarah APH, musyawarah keluarga, dan musyawarah masyarakat.

ABSTRACT This research is aimed to discover and analyze of implementation of diversion based on restorative justice as a resolution in criminal matters and setting appropriate standards of the implementation of diversion based on restorative justice in near future. This research was using a normative research method to acquire secondary data through library study and supported by primary data obtained through interview with informants. The data being analyzed in qualitative manner through analytic descriptive and prescriptive methods. According to the research results and discussion, it has been concluded that firstly, the opportunity to apply diversion based on restorative justice as a resolution in criminal matters is huge due to various aspects. The greatest opportunity is seen in the 4th Pancasila precepts which contain elements of the musyawarah which can be found in the tradition of Adat Law. Legally speaking, the regulation of diversion has been applied in the juvenile justice system with the enactment of Law No.11/2012. Implementation of diversion are also realized in the development of international politics law through the guidelines "Basic Principles on the Use of Restorative Justice Programs in Criminal Matters". Secondly, the parameters of implementation of diversion based on restorative justice in criminal matters should be limited to general criminal cases which are not merely repetition of a criminal offense (recidivist). Considering its characteristics as an alternative of resolution in criminal matters so that it does not erase the existence of the criminal justice system if an agreement has not been reached or if the agreement has not been carried out properly. The parameter of case resolution through diversion is not ended appropriately if just refer to the musyawarah decree but had to be carried out completely. Therefore, it also required full-implementation of the agreement decree as proof of the completion of the case resolution which can then be the basis for the issuance of a letter to stop the investigation or prosecution. Meanwhile, the mechanism of diversion can adopt the Juvenile Law System which is available at all stages of the criminal justice process that is investigation, prosecution, and trial examination. It will be more appropriate to be implemented in various stages depends on the category of criminal acts including law enforcement officers deliberations, family deliberations, and community deliberations.

Kata Kunci : Diversi, Keadilan Restoratif, Sistem Peradilan Pidana.

  1. S2-2020-433215-bibliography.pdf  
  2. S2-2020-433215-tableofcontent.pdf  
  3. S2-2020-433215-title.pdf