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Sophie's Request Strategies in The School for Good and

HERDINA PRIMASANTI, Thomas Priyo Joko Sembodo, S.S., M.Ed.

2020 | Skripsi | S1 SASTRA INGGRIS

Penelitian ini membahas tentang perbandingan strategi permintaan yang digunakan Sophie dan karakter lain dalam seri The School for Good and Evil karya Soman Chainani menggunakan klasifikasi strategi permintaan yang dibahas oleh Blum-Kulka dan Olshtain (1984). Hasil menunjukkan bahwa Sophie menggunakan 88 kalimat permintaan dari 277 kalimat. Kalimat permintaan tersebut paling banyak tersebar di mood derivable dengan 27 kalimat (30.68%), reference to preparatory conditions dengan 14 kalimat (17.45%), strong hints dengan 13 kalimat (14.77%), dan locution derivable dengan 12 kalimat (13.64%). Sophie tidak menggunakan upgrader, namun menggunakan penambahan if clause di 3 kalimat. Sebagai tambahan, Sophie menggunakan address term di 16 kalimat (18.18%). Selain itu, ia menggunakan grounder, sweetener, check availability, disarmer, cost minimizer, dan modifikasi lain yang tidak dapat diidentifikasi ke klasifikasi adjunct to head act. Karakter lain yang dapat dibandingkan ke Sophie adalah Tedros dan Agatha karena mereka menghasilkan lebih banyak kalimat permintaan daripada karakter lain. Dibanding Sophie, Agatha memiliki 70 kalimat. Kalimat permintaan tersebut paling banyak tersebar di mood derivable dengan 24 kalimat (34.78%), strong hints dengan 14 kalimat (20.29%), dan reference to preparatory conditions dengan 12 kalimat (17.39%). Tedros memiliki 37 kalimat. Kalimat permintaan tersebut paling banyak tersebar di mood derivable dengan 16 kalimat (43.24%) dan strong hints dengan 11 kalimat (29.73%). Kemiripan dari elemen dalam strategi permintaan yang digunakan oleh Agatha, Tedros, dan Sophie adalah penggunaan upgrader, embedded if clause, dan grounder, sementara perbedaannya ada di penggunaan adjunct to head act lain dan address term. Sophie menggunakan lebih banyak adjunct to head act dibbanding Tedros dan Agatha. Selain itu, frekuensi penggunaan address term antara Sophie, Tedros dan Agatha berbeda. Tedros dan Agatha menggunakan address term di 10 kalimat. Secara spesifik, presentase penggunaan address term oleh Tedros adalah 27.03% dan Agatha sebesar 14.49%.

The paper discusses the comparison of request strategies used by Sophie and other characters in The School for Good and Evil series by Soman Chainani using the classification of request strategies proposed by Blum-Kulka and Olshtain (1984). Of 276 utterances, Sophie made the most requests with 88 utterances. The utterances are centralized in mood derivable with 27 utterances (30.68%), reference to preparatory conditions with 14 utterances (17.45%), strong hints with 13 utterances (14.77%) and locution derivable with 12 utterances (13.64%). Sophie does not use any upgrader, yet she embeds if clause in 3 utterances. In addition, Sophie uses address term in 16 utterances (18.18%). Furthermore, she uses grounder, sweetener, check availability, disarmer, cost minimizer, and other modifications that do not match the classification of adjunct to head act in her utterances. Tedros and Agatha are eligible to be compared to Sophie as they made more utterances than the rest. Compared to Sophie, Agatha made 70 utterances. The utterances are centralized in mood derivable with 24 utterances (34.78%), strong hints with 14 utterances (20.29%) and reference to preparatory with 12 utterances (17.39%). Tedros made 37 utterances. The utterances are mostly distributed into mood derivable with 16 utterances (43.24%) and strong hints with 11 utterances (29.73%). The similarity of elements in request strategies used by Agatha, Tedros and Sophie are the usage of upgrader, embedded if clause and grounder, while the difference is the usage of other adjunct to head act and address term. Sophie uses various adjunct to head act in mood derivable while Tedros and Agatha do not. In addition, there is a difference in the frequency of using address term. Both Tedros and Agatha use address term in 10 utterances. Specifically, the total address term used by Tedros is about 27.03% and 14.49% for Agatha.

Kata Kunci : pragmatics, linguistics, request strategies, The School for Good and Evil, Soman Chainani,

  1. S1-2020-384018-abstract.pdf  
  2. S1-2020-384018-bibliography.pdf  
  3. S1-2020-384018-tableofcontent.pdf  
  4. S1-2020-384018-title.pdf