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Pussy Riot Strategy in Surviving Putin Authoritarian Regime

AKBAR RUMANDUNG, Prof. Dr. Mohtar Mas'oed


Riset ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan bahwasanya gerakan sosial baru dapat bertahain di bawah rezim otoriter suatu negara. Di zaman sekarang, bermacam - macan gestur dan strategi di gunakan oleh aktor gerakan sosial dalam protes dan menyuarakan pendapat mereka, untuk meraih perhatian dan dukungan dari masyarakat sipil. Dengan itu, kasus "Pussy Riot" dapat dilihat sebagai salah santu contoh gerakan sosial modern, atau lebih dikenal dengan gerakan sosial baru, dimana gerakan sosial dapat bertahan dibawah tekanan pemerintah. Di riset ini, penulis akan mengananilsa gestur dan strategy "Pussy Riot", yang berhujung dengan reaksi terhadapt kelompok tersebut di level domestik dan internasional, dan mengada kedua hal tersebut penting untuk kelmompok ini, mendukung mereka untuk tetap eksis sampai sekarang

This research will aim to explain on how social movement can survive the proliferation of a authoritarian regime in a country. Toward this days, various gesture and strategy used by actors of social movement in conducting their protest and speaking their voice, in favor to gain attention and get supported by the civil society. Thus, the case of "Pussy Riot" can be seen as one of the exampleson how modern sovial movement, or widely known as new social movement, can survive toward the government oppression, and in the condition where there were lacks of freedom of speech in the country. Through this research, the author will analyse the gesture and strategy that used by "Pussy Riot" in conducting their movement, which leds to a domestic and international support toward them, and how it is crucial for the group to keep on existing until now

Kata Kunci : pussy riot, gerakan sosial, social movement, gerakan sosial baru, new social movement

  1. S1-2020-368808-abstract.pdf  
  2. S1-2020-368808-bibliography.pdf  
  3. S1-2020-368808-tableofcontent.pdf  
  4. S1-2020-368808-title.pdf