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Studi Observasi Resep Palsu di Apotek Wilayah Kota Yogyakarta

ISTIQOMAH DWI O, Dr. Anna Wahyuni Widayanti, MPH., Apt.

2020 | Skripsi | S1 FARMASI

Resep Palsu merupakan salah satu masalah dalam bidang pelayanan kefarmasian yang belum pernah diteliti di Indonesia. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mendapatkan informasi tentang pola resep palsu, ciri resep palsu, obat apa saja yang sering dicantumkan dalam resep palsu dan mengetahui bagaimana tindakan apoteker di apotek wilayah Kota Yogyakarta dalam menyikapi resep palsu. Penelitian survei ini dilaksanakan pada bulan November 2019 ke apotek yang ada di Kota Yogyakarta. Instrumen penelitian berupa kuisioner yang terdiri dari 12 pertanyaan mengenai data demografi dan 17 pertanyaan tentang pengalaman interaksi dengan resep palsu. Pengisian kuisioner dilakukan oleh salah satu apoteker yang bekerja di apotek tersebut. Data hasil penelitian disajikan dalam bentuk data kuantitatif berupa persentase dan dijelaskan dalam uraian deskriptif. Total apotek yang menjadi sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah 69 apotek. Jumlah ini mewakili 50,73% dari jumlah apotek di Kota Yogyakarta. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 81,16% (n=56) apoteker menyatakan pernah menemukan resep palsu. Pola resep palsu yang ditemukan yaitu tidak selalu ada setiap bulannya (62,5%, n=35). Pada resep palsu yang ditemukan, dokter spesialis kejiwaan dan dokter umum paling sering dicantumkan sebagai penulis resep (60,71%, n=34) dan blangko resep dari praktik dokter mandiri yang paling sering digunakan untuk membuat resep palsu (80,36%, n=45). Ciri resep palsu yang paling banyak ditemukan yaitu tulisan dalam resep tidak sama dengan tulisan dokter biasanya (71,43%, n=40). Obat yang paling sering ditemukan dalam resep palsu yaitu Alprazolam (82,14%, n=46). Semua apoteker menyatakan tidak melayani resep palsu tersebut, namun hanya 25% (n=14) yang melaporkan temuan resep palsu. Alasan terbanyak responden tidak melaporkan adalah tidak tahu kemana harus melaporkan temuan resep palsu tersebut (80,95%, n=34).

Forged prescription is one of the problems in pharmaceutical services that has never been investigated in Indonesia. There are also no regulations about forged prescription. This research was conducted to observe forged prescription at pharmacy in the city of Yogyakarta. This study aimed to obtain information about the patterns of forged prescription, characteristics of forged prescription, drugs which often included in forged prescription and to find out how pharmacists response to forged prescriptions. This survey was carried out in Vovember 2019 to pharmacies in the city of Yogyakarta. The data was collected with questionnaire consisting of 12 questions about demographic data and 17 questions about the experience of interactions with forged prescriptions. The questionnaire was filled out by one of the pharmacists who worked at the pharmacy. Research data are presented in quantitative data and explained in descriptive descriptions. The total pharmacies involved in this study were 69 pharmacies. This number represents 50.73% of the number of pharmacies in the city of Yogyakarta. The results showed that 81.16% (n = 56) pharmacists claimed have found forged prescription. The pattern of forged prescription was not always occurs every month (62.5%, n=35). In the forged prescription found, psychiatrists and general practitioners were most often listed as prescribers (60.71%, n = 34) and the form of prescription from the doctor's practice were most often used to make forged prescriptions (80.36, n=45). The most common feature of forged prescriptions is that the writing on the prescription is not the same as the doctor's writing usually (71,43%, n = 40). The drugs most often found in forged prescriptions were Alprazolam (82,14%, n = 46). All pharmacists claim not to serve these forged prescriptions, but only 25% report the findings of a forged prescription. The most reason for not reporting was they did not know where to report the findings of the forged prescription (80.95%, n = 34).

Kata Kunci : Observasi, Resep Palsu, Apotek, Apoteker, Kota Yogyakarta

  1. S1-2020-397280-abstract.pdf  
  2. S1-2020-397280-bibliography.pdf  
  3. S1-2020-397280-tableofcontent.pdf  
  4. S1-2020-397280-title.pdf