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Technology Acceptance Model (TAM): An analysis of Acceptance in E-Filing Services in Sleman's Tax office

JAP WILSON ARISTO, Dr. Phil. Ely Susanto, S.I.P., MBA


This study aims to determine the perception of society on the use of E-filling in Sleman's Tax office. The purpose of this study was to determine Sleman's taxpayer perception in using E-Filling. The Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) is one theory about the use of technological systems information that is considered very dominant and is generally used to explain the individual acceptance of the use of information technology systems. The population in this study were all taxpayers in Sleman Regency. The sample in this study amounted to 211 respondents. This study used descriptive respondent analysis with a purposive sampling data collection technique in which the samples in this study were selected based on the characteristics of the respondents' intended use of e-filling. The data source of this research is the primary data source obtained from distributing questionnaires directly to respondents, secondary data sources in this study are observation of documents and research that supports this research. In general taxpayers have used e-filling to report their tax needs. But in terms of perceived usefulness is still sufficient, where taxpayers in using e-filling have not been maximized in using features developed by the directorate general of taxation to provide convenience in reporting taxes. Furthermore, the development of this technology aims to provide convenience to users in reporting taxes, but based on the findings of research, data shows that the perception of ease of use of e-filling is still sufficient where respondents have not felt the ease of using e-filling. Based on the analysis of the data above, the system of e-filling with the TAM (Technology Acceptance Model) approach based on user perception is still sufficient, technology acceptance is still not optimal. According to the findings of research data, e-filling user satisfaction is still sufficient and does not give satisfaction and pride.

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perception of the society on the use of E-filling in Sleman's Tax office. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui Persepsi Masyarkat Kota Sleman dalam menggunakan E-Filling. Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) is one theory about the use of technological systems information that is considered very dominant and generally used to explain individual acceptance of the use of information technology systems. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh wajib pajak yang berada di Kabupaten Sleman. Sample dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 211 responden. Penelitian ini menggunakan analisis deskriptif respoden dengan teknik pengumpulan data purposive sampling yaitu sampel dalam penelitian ini dipilih berdasarkan karakteristik tujuan responden penggunan e-filling. Sumber data penelitian ini adalah sumber data primer yang didapatkan dari penyebaran kuesioner langsung kepada responden, sumber data sekunder dalam penelitian ini adalah observasi dokumen dan penelitian yang mendukung penelitian ini. Secara umum wajib pajak telah menggunakan e-filling untuk melaporkan kebutuhan pajak mereka. Namun dalam hal manfaat yang dirasakan masih mencukupi, di mana wajib pajak dalam menggunakan e-filling belum dimaksimalkan dalam menggunakan fitur yang dikembangkan oleh direktorat jenderal perpajakan untuk memberikan kemudahan dalam melaporkan pajak. Selanjutnya, pengembangan teknologi ini bertujuan untuk memberikan kemudahan kepada pengguna dalam melaporkan pajak, tetapi berdasarkan temuan data penelitian menunjukkan bahwa persepsi kemudahan penggunaan e-filling masih mencukupi di mana responden belum merasakan kemudahan menggunakan e-filling. Berdasarkan analisis data di atas, dapat dilihat bahwa sistem e-filling dengan pendekatan TAM (Technology Acceptance Model) berdasarkan persepsi pengguna masih mencukupi, penerimaan teknologi masih belum optimal. Menurut temuan data penelitian e-filling kepuasan pengguna masih mencukupi dan tidak memberikan kepuasan dan kebanggaan.

Kata Kunci : E-filing, Taxation, TAM, Taxpayer Compliance, Indonesia

  1. S1-2020-392786-abstract.pdf  
  2. S1-2020-392786-bibliography.pdf  
  3. S1-2020-392786-tableofcontent.pdf  
  4. S1-2020-392786-title.pdf