KHAERUL AMRU, Prof. Dr. Totok Gunawan, M.S; Dr. Slamet Suprayogi, M.S
2019 | Tesis | MAGISTER ILMU LINGKUNGANPenelitian ini dilakukan di sepanjang Sungai Palopo yang berlokasi di Kota Palopo Sulawesi Selatan, bertujuan untuk mengkaji jenis kerusakan lingkungan, menentukan tingkat kerusakan lingkungan dan merumuskan startegi dan kebijakan pengelolaan lingkungan. Sungai Palopo yang ditimbulkan akibat aktivitas pembuangan limbah domestic di Kota Palopo. Metode yang digunakan meliputi metode survey dengan sampel diambil secara Stratified Random Sampling terhadap perairan sungai pada bagian hulu, tengah, dan hilir Sungai Palopo serta penentuan Indeks Pencemar dengan parameter TSS, TDS, COD, BOD, Amoniak, dan Total Coliform. Berdasarkan hasil analisis terhadap kualitas air Sungai Palopo menunjukkan bahwa bagian hulu Sungai Palopo sudah terindikasi tercemar ringan sedangkan bagian tengah sampai ke hilir Sungai Palopo sudah terindikasi tercemar sedang sesuai dengan Peraturan Pemerintah No 82 tahun 2001 tentang Pengelolaan kualitas air kelas II dengan nilai TSS 50 mg/L; COD 25 mg/L; BOD 3mg/L; Amoniak 10 mg/L; Total Coliform 5000 mpn/100ml, sehingga kualitas air di Sungai Palopo telah mengalami penurunan akibat aktivitas domestic disekitarnya yang padat.
This research, carried out along the Palopo River, located in Palopo City, South Sulawesi, aims to assess the type of environmental damage, determine the extent of environmental damage and formulate strategies and policies for environmental management. Palopo River caused by domestic waste disposal activities in the City of Palopo. The method used includes a survey method with samples taken by Stratified Random Sampling of the river waters in the upstream, middle, and downstream of the Palopo River and determination of Pollutant Index with parameters TSS, TDS, COD, BOD, Ammonia, and Total Coliform. Based on the analysis of the Palopo River water quality shows that the upstream part of the Palopo River has been indicated to be mildly polluted while the middle to the downstream of the Palopo River has been indicated to be moderately polluted in accordance with Government Regulation No. 82 of 2001 concerning Management of Class II water quality with a TSS value of 50 mg / L; COD 25 mg / L; BOD 3mg / L; Ammonia 10 mg / L; Total Coliform 5000 mpn / 100ml, so that the water quality in the Palopo River has decreased due to dense domestic activities around it.
Kata Kunci : kerusakan lingkungan, limbah domestik, indeks pencemar, kualitas air