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MAHARANI TYAS BUDI H, Issac Jogues Kiyok Sito Meiyanto, Drs.,Ph.D., Psikolog


Penelitian ini bertujuan menguji secara empiris peran self efficacy terhadap job crafting dengan person-job fit sebagai variabel moderator. Hipotesis yang diajukan dalam penelitian yaitu person-job fit memoderatori peran self efficacy terhadap job crafting pada karyawan yang bekerja di industri perhotelan. Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah 205 karyawan yang bekerja di industri perhotelan yang terdiri atas 134 karyawan laki-laki dan 71 karyawan perempuan. Subjek yang berada dalam penelitian ini mayoritas memiliki tingkat pendidikan terakhir SMA/SMK/STM. Pengambilan data dilakukan dengan menyebarkan kuesioner secara offline kepada 8 hotel yang berada di KotaYogyakarta dan 2 hotel di Kota Solo. Pengambilan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan tiga skala yaitu Skala Job Crafting dengan reliabilitas 0,894, Skala Occupational Self Efficacy dengan reliabilitas 0,945 dan Skala Person Job Fit dengan reliabilitas 0,889. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah person job fit mampu memoderatori secara signifikan peran self efficacy terhadap job crafting dengan memberikan sumbangan efektif sebesar 24,3% (p=0,01; p<0,05). Hasil regresi linear berganda juga menunjukkan bahwa self efficacy mampu memprediksi job crafting secara signifikan dengan memberikan sumbangan efektif sebesar 10,9% (p=0,01; p<0,05). Hasil ini menunjukkan bahwa hipotesis dalam penelitian ini diterima. Penelitian ini secara keseluruhan menginformasikan bahwa job crafting di industri perhotelan dipengaruhi oleh self efficacy dan person job fit.

This research aims to examine empirically the role of self-efficacy towards job crafting through person-job fit as the moderator variable. The research hypothesis is that person-job fit moderates the role of self-efficacy towards job crafting of the employee worked in the hotel industry. The research subjects were 205 employees worked in the hotel industry consisted of 134 male employees and 71 female employees. The last educational degree of research subjects is mostly senior high school, vocational school, or secondary engineering school. The data were collected through offline questionnaires that were distributed on 10 hotels in Yogyakarta and 2 hotels in Surakarta. The questionnaires consisted of three forms of scale: Job Crafting Scale (values of reliability 0.894), Occupational Self-efficacy Scale (values of reliability 0.945), and Person-Job Fit Scale (values of reliability 0.889). The result of the research shows that the person-job fit able significantly moderating the role of self-efficacy towards job crafting by making an effective contribution of 24.3 % (p = 0.01; p < 0.05). Moreover, the result of multiple linear regression shows that self-efficacy can predict job crafting significantly by making an effective contribution of 10.9 % (p = 0.01; p < 0.05). Based on these results, it can be said that the research hypothesis is accepted. Thus, this research confirms that job crafting of hotel industry employee is affected by self-efficacy and person-job fit.

Kata Kunci : job crafting, person-job fit, self efficacy

  1. S2-2019-418879-abstract.pdf  
  2. S2-2019-418879-bibliography.pdf  
  3. S2-2019-418879-tableofcontent.pdf  
  4. S2-2019-418879-title.pdf