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Ratih Putri Anggraini, Dr. drh. Claude Mona Airin, MP.

2019 | Skripsi | S1 KEDOKTERAN HEWAN

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian ekstrak rumput kebar (Biophytum petersianum Klotzsch) pada fungsi hepar tikus jantan (Rattus norvegicus) menggunakan uji toksisitas akut oral. Penelitian ini menggunakan tikus jantan sebanyak 18 ekor berdasarkan metode uji toksisitas OECD 423. Starting dosis dimulai pada limit test 300, 2000, dan 5000 mg/kg BB. Gejala toksik dan kematian ditetapkan selama 24 jam setelah perlakuan dan pengamatan. Uji tetap dilanjutkan sampai 14 hari setelah perlakuan sediaan uji. Selama 14 hari dilakukan pengamatan gejala-gejala toksik, kematian hewan uji, perubahan kenaikan berat bedan, manifestasi efek toksik, sebagai data dukung diukur juga kadar SGPT/ALT, dan kadar SGOT/AST. Pada akhir uji, tikus dinekropsi dan diambil organ heparnya dan dievaluasi terhadap kelainan gross patologi (makroskopi). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pemberian ekstrak n-hexana rumput kebar pada dosis limit test 300 mg/kg BB dan 5000 mg/kg BB tidak menimbulkan gejala toksik maupun kematian hewan uji. Pada pemeriksaan gross patologi organ hepar tidak ditemukan adanya perubahan berat maupun perubahan makroskopis. Analisis statistik menunjukkan tidak ada perbedaan yang signifikan pada kadar SGPT/ALT, kadar SGOT/AST, berat badan, dan berat organ hepar antara kelompok kontrol dan perlakuan. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa pemberian ekstrak n-hexana rumput kebar dengan dosis 300 sampai 5000 mg/kg BB dosis tunggal tidak menyebabkan gejala-gejala toksik yang nyata maupun kematian hewan uji tikus.

The study aims to determine effect of giving kebar grass extract (Biophytum petersianum Klotzsch) on the liver function of male rat (Rattus norvegicus) using the acute oral toxicity test. This research used 18 male rats based on OECD 423 toxicity test method. Dose started at 300, 2000, and 5000 mg/kg BB. Data on toxic and death symptoms were set 24 hours after treatment and observation. The test continued until 14 days after the research preparation. During 14 days observation of toxic symptoms, animal death test, changes in weight gain, and manifestations of toxic effects, as well as supporting data also measured SGPT/ALT and SGOT/AST levels. At the end of the test, the rat was necropted and taken its liver and evaluated against the pathology gross disorder (macroscopy). Results of the study showed the administration of kebar grass n-hexana extracts that at dose 300 mg/kg BB and 5000 mg/kg BB did not cause toxic symptoms or test animal death. Based on gross patology examination of liver was not found as a change in weight or macroscopic changes. Statistical analysis showed no significant difference in SGPT/ALT levels, SGOT/AST levels, weight, and liver weight between the control group and treatment. Based on the results of the study can be concluded that the administration of kebar grass n-hexana extracts at dose of 300 to 5000 mg/kg BB that single dose does not cause either real toxic or death of rats.

Kata Kunci : Rumput kebar, tikus jantan, SGPT, SGOT, dan berat organ hepar.

  1. S1-2019-379495-abstract.pdf  
  2. S1-2019-379495-bibliography.pdf  
  3. S1-2019-379495-tableofcontent.pdf  
  4. S1-2019-379495-title.pdf