Laporkan Masalah


MAYRINA SAHLI HANIFAH, drh. Sri Gustari, M. P.

2019 | Skripsi | S1 KEDOKTERAN HEWAN

Status reproduksi sapi dipengaruhi oleh manajemen pemeliharaan, bangsa sapi, dan umur. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui status reproduksi sapi potong indukan berdasarkan perbedaan umur di Kabupaten Magelang, Jawa Tengah. Penelitian ini menggunakan 66 ekor sapi potong betina produktif yang sehat, berumur lebih dari 1,0 tahun. Sapi dikelompokkan berdasarkan umurnya yaitu 1,5 sampai 2,5 tahun, umur 3,0 sampai 4,5 tahun, umur 5,0 sampai 8,0 tahun, dan umur lebih dari 9,0 tahun. Data yang dikumpulkan adalah umur pubertas, umur pertama kawin, service per conception (S/C), conception rate (CR), days open (DO), dan calving interval (CI). Data dianalisis dengan statistik uji t. Pada sapi umur 1,5 sampai 2,5 tahun menunjukkan rata-rata umur pubertas 15,2 bulan, umur pertama dikawinkan 17,1 bulan, S/C 2,35 kali, dan CR 30%. Pada sapi umur 3,0 sampai 4,5 tahun rata-rata S/C 2,35 kali, CR 30%, DO 6,10 �± 3,93 bulan, dan CI 15,15 �± 3,91. Pada sapi umur 5,0 sampai 8,0 tahun rata-rata S/C 2,55 kali, CR 35%, DO 6,79 �± 4,09 bulan, dan CI 15,80 �± 4,38 bulan. Pada sapi umur lebih dari 9,0 tahun rata-rata S/C 1,6 kali, CR 66,7%, DO 7 bulan, dan CI 16 bulan. Berdasarkan hasil analisis statistik diketahui bahwa status reproduksi sapi umur 3,0 sampai 4,5 tahun dan sapi umur 5,0 sampai 8,0 tahun tidak berbeda signifikan sehingga umur sapi tidak berpengaruh terhadap status reproduksi sapi.

Reproductive status of beef cattles were affected by management, breeds, and age. The research's goal was to know the reproductive status of beef cattles based on age differences in Magelang Regency, Central Java. This research used 66 healthy female beef cattles, older than 1,0 years old. Beef cattles were grouped based on age which consist of 1.5 to 2.5 years old, 3.0 to 4.5 years old, 5.0 to 8.0 years old, and older than 9.0 years old. Data consist of puberty age, first mating age, service per conception (S/C), conception rate (CR), days open (DO), and calving interval (CI). The data analyzed by t test statistic. The 1.5 to 2.5 years old beef cattle had an average of puberty age was 15.2 months old, first mating age was 17.1 months old, S/C was 2.35 times, and CR was 30%. The 3.0 to 4.5 years old beef cattle had an average of S/C was 2.35 times, CR was 30%, DO was 6,10 �± 3,93 months, and CI was 15.15 �± 3.91 months. The 5.0 to 8.0 years old beef cattle had an average of S/C was 2.55 times, CR was 35%, DO was 6.79 �± 4.09 months, and CI was 15.80 �± 4.38 months. The older than 9.0 years old beef cattle had an average of S/C was 1.6 times, CR was 66.7%, DO was 7 months, and CI was 16 months. Based on statistical analyzed, the reproductive status from 3.0 to 4.5 years old beef cattles and 5.0 to 8.0 years old beef cattles did not significantly different, so that the age of beef cattles didn't affect the reproductive status.

Kata Kunci : sapi indukan, service per conception, conception rate, days open, calving interval

  1. S1-2019-382781-abstract.pdf  
  2. S1-2019-382781-bibliography.pdf  
  3. S1-2019-382781-tableofcontent.pdf  
  4. S1-2019-382781-title.pdf