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Prevalensi Kejadian Fasciolosis pada Sapi Potong di Daerah Aliran Sungai Progo, Kecamatan Galur, Kabupaten Kulon Progo

Salsabila Nadia Raihana, Dr. drh. Joko Prastowo, M.Si

2019 | Skripsi | S1 KEDOKTERAN HEWAN

Sapi potong memiliki nilai ekonomi sebagai sumber protein hewani dan hewan pekerja. Infeksi oleh parasit Fasciola sp. dapat mengganggu potensi ternak tersebut, diantaranya adalah penurunan berat badan, kualitas karkas, dan kematian ternak. Tujuan penelitian dilakukan untuk mengetahui prevalensi dan pengaruh umur, jenis kelamin, lantai, kondisi kandang, dan pakan terhadap kejadian fasciolosis pada kelompok ternak di daerah aliran Sungai Progo, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. Sebanyak 96 sampel feses sapi dikumpulkan. Pemeriksaan feses dilakukan dengan metode Parfitt and Banks untuk mendeteksi adanya telur Fasciola sp. berdasarkan morfologinya. Prevalensi dihitung dengan membagi sampel positif dengan jumlah sampel yang diperiksa, hasil prevalensi diinterpretasikan dalam persentase. Hasil menunjukkan prevalensi kejadian fasciolosis dan selanjutnya dianalisis secara statistik dengan uji Chi-Square untuk mengetahui kekuatan asosiasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa prevalensi kejadian infeksi cacing hati (fasciolosis) pada sapi di sejumlah peternak di daerah aliran Sungai Progo, Kecamatan Galur, Kabupaten Kulon Progo sebesar 46.91%, serta beberapa faktor seperti kondisi kandang (p < 0.05) dan pakan (p < 0.05) memiliki hubungan yang signifikan terhadap infeksi Fasciola sp.

Beef cattle has economic value as a source of protein and draught power. Infections by Fasciola sp. may disrupt livestock productivity, such as reduction of weight, meat quality, or even death. The aim of the study was to determine the prevalence of Fasciola sp. among beef cattle and also to determine the influence of age, sex, floor types, cage condition, and beef cattle feed toward fasciolosis at Progo Watershed in Yogyakarta. A total of 96 faecal samples were collected. Stool examination conducted by Parfitt and Banks method to detect eggs of Fasciola sp. The prevalence of these forms of fasciolosis is calculated by measuring the presence of positive samples of fasciolosis then dividing the positive samples by all of the samples, prevalence is often expressed as a percentage. The result showed the prevalence of fasciolosis then data of the risk factors were analyzed by Chi-Square test. The result showed that prevalence of liver fluke infection (Fasciolosis) on beef cattle on Progo Watershed in Yogyakarta was 46.91%, and several factors were significantly influence the development of Fasciola sp. infection on beef cattle such as cage condition (p < 0.05) and beef cattle feed (p < 0.05).

Kata Kunci : Kata kunci: faktor resiko, Fasciola sp., Fasciolosis, prevalensi, sapi

  1. S1-2019-377776-abstract.pdf  
  2. S1-2019-377776-bibliography.pdf  
  3. S1-2019-377776-tableofcontent.pdf  
  4. S1-2019-377776-title.pdf