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Lanang Wahyudi, Drh. Dwi Cahyo Budi Setiawan, M. Sc

2019 | Skripsi | S1 KEDOKTERAN HEWAN

Kasus infeksi oleh bakteri Gram-negatif multiresisten menjadi masalah utama di dunia, karena sudah banyak terjadi resistensi terhadap berbagai golongan antibiotik. Colistin atau polymixin E merupakan antibiotik yang dapat ditambahkan dalam pakan sebagai medicated feed yang digunakan untuk pengobatan infeksi yang disebabkan oleh bakteri Gram-negatif. Tujuan Penelitian ini adalah melihat pengaruh penambahan colistin sebagai medicated feed terhadap performa ayam broiler. Hewan percobaan yang digunakan adalah ayam broiler strain cobb CP 707 yang diproduksi oleh PT. Charoen Pokphand Indonesia berumur 1 hari sebanyak 40 ekor. Ayam dibagi menjadi 4 kelompok perlakuan yang meliputi 1 kelompok kontrol dan 3 kelompok perlakuan. Ransum perlakuan terdiri dari 4 macam yaitu: ransum kontrol (K), K + 0,3 g/Kg pakan colistin (CI), K + 0,6 g/Kg pakan colistin (CII), dan K + 1,2 g/Kg pakan colistin (CIII) yang diberikan selama tujuh hari. Peubah yang diamati adalah konsumsi ransum, minum, berat badan, dan konversi ransum. Data dianalisis dengan sidik ragam One Way ANOVA. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa penambahan colistin dengan dosis antara 0,3-1,2 g/Kg dalam pakan sebagai medicated feed terbukti meningkatkan performa ayam, yang dapat dilihat dari peningkatan konsumsi ransum, berat badan, konversi ransum ayam broiler serta memiliki kriteria performa indeks prestasi yang tinggi.

Cases of infections caused by Gram-negative multiresistant bacterias has become a major problem faced by the world, due to the fact many of the bacterias have become resistant towards antibiotic groups. Colistin or polymixin E is a antibiotic that can be added into the feed as medicated feed to be used as infection treatment caused by Gram-negative bacterias. The purpose of this research is to observe the effects of the addition of colistin as medicated feed towards the performance of broiler chickens. The experimental subject used in this research is broiler strain cobb CP 707 produced by PT. Charoen Pokphand Indonesia, age 1 day, with total of 40 chickens. The chickens were divided into 4 groups which consist of 1 group as control and 3 groups as experimental. The experimental rations are divided into 4 groups which are control ration (K), K + 0,3 g/Kg colistin feed (CI), K + 0,6 g/Kg colistin feed (CII), and K + 1,2 g/Kg colistin feed (CIII) for 7 days. The changes observed are ration consumption, water, weight, and ration conversion. The analytical data with variance One Way ANOVA. The result of this research showed that the addition of colistin with dosage range of 0,3-1,2 g/Kg in feed as medicated feed proved to increase the performance of chicken, which can be seen from the increase of ration consumption, weight, conversion of broiler chicken ration as well as the performance criteria of high grade point.

Kata Kunci : broiler, colistin, performance, medicated feed

  1. S1-2019-381034-abstract.pdf  
  2. S1-2019-381034-bibliography.pdf  
  3. S1-2019-381034-tableofcontent.pdf  
  4. S1-2019-381034-title.pdf