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Pengaruh CBT Based Self Help & Gamification Terhadap Tingkat Gangguan Depresi Mahasiswa

OLAFFIQIH A Y WIBOWO, Prof. Thomas Dicky Hastjarjo


Sebagai gangguan mental dengan prevalensi tertinggi di dunia, orang dengan gangguan depresi masih mengalami stigma ketika mengakses layanan kesehatan mental, biaya mahal, dan daftar tunggu panjang karena terbatasnya jumlah profesional kesehatan mental. Untuk mengatasinya, maka perlu dilakukan pengembangan dan penelitian mengenai intervensi online CBT based self-help dengan gamification. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah kuantitatif eksperimental, desain faktorial 2x2 disertai dengan pengukuran pre-test dan post-test. Terdapat 64 orang partisipan penelitian (n = 64) dengan kriteria memiliki tingkat gangguan depresi kategori sedang (rentang skor 10-14) berdasarkan hasil tes Patient Health Questionnaire 9 (PHQ-9) versi Bahasa Indonesia, memiliki akses ke internet, dan sedang tidak menjalani psikofarmakoterapi. Prosedur pelaksanaan intervensi CBT based self help dengan gamification dilakukan melalui aplikasi web, sedangkan proses asesmen PHQ-9 dilakukan melalui Analisis statistik moderasi sederhana dengan teknik bootstrap dilakukan menggunakan software komputer SPSS 25.0 dan PROCESS. Pengujian hipotesis menemukan bahwa CBT based self help dengan gamification memiliki pengaruh positif dalam menurunkan tingkat gangguan depresi, baik secara mandiri maupun saat independent - moderator variable saling berinteraksi (c1 - p = 0.039; c2 - p = 0.009; dan c3 - p = 0.001). Meskipun begitu, hasil ini masih perlu dikaji secara mendalam dan seksama mengingat kriteria effect size yang digunakan adalah large effect sehingga masih rentan terhadap kemungkinan adanya bias publikasi.

As a mental disorder with the highest prevalence in the world, people with depression often face problems such as stigmas as they try to access proper mental health services, the high-cost for treatments, and a long waiting list due to limited numbers of mental health professionals. To overcome those, the development and further research about online intervention, CBT based self-help with gamification is needed. This research used experimental method with 2x2 factorial pre-test and post-test design. There are 64 participants in this research (n=64) with criterias such as moderate depression (score range 10-14) based on Patient Health Questionnaire 9 (PHQ-9) Bahasa Indonesia version test result, have the ability to access the internet, and is not undergoing a psychotheraphy or psychopharmacotherapy. The application of CBT based self help with gamification was done by using a progressive web app named whilst PHQ-9 assesment process was done using Simple moderation statistic analysis with bootstrap technique is carried out by using a computer software; SPSS 25.0 and PROCESS. Hypothesis testing found that CBT based self-help with gamification have a positive impact in reducing depression level, both independently or during interaction between independent-moderator variable (c1 - p = 0.039; c2 - p = 0.009; dan c3 - p = 0.001). However, this result still need to be studied further remembering that the effect size criteria used in this research is a large effect, which means it is still have the probability of publication bias to happen.

Kata Kunci : Depresi, Depression, CBT, Self-Help, CBT Self Help, Gamification, Online Intervention

  1. S2-2019-388723-abstract.pdf  
  2. S2-2019-388723-bibliography.pdf  
  3. S2-2019-388723-tableofcontent.pdf  
  4. S2-2019-388723-title.pdf