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RENDY RACHMAN, Prof. Dr. Janianton Damanik., M.Si.


Studi dalam penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan proses pelayanan rehabilitasi sosial yang dilaksanakan oleh pemerintah. Penelitian membahas pengaruh program rehabilitasi sosial dalam hubungannya dengan pemberdayaan penyandang disabilitas netra. Penelitian dilakukan di BRTPD yang merupakan salah satu UPTD milik pemerintah DIY. Jenis penelitian termasuk dalam deskriptif kualitatif yang didukung 7 informan, terdiri dari 2 warga binaan sosial disabilitas netra aktif, 2 mantan warga binaan sosial disabilitas netra, dan 3 pengelola balai. Pengumpulan data menggunakan teknik wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi (telaah dokumen). Selanjutnya, data yang terkumpul diolah melalui proses verifikasi dan validasi data sebelum dianalisis secara kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa secara umum program rehabilitasi sosial bermanfaat bagi warga binaan sosial disabilitas netra, terbukti mampu memberikan perubahan kondisi kehidupan para penyandang disabilitas netra. Mereka menjadi lebih percaya diri serta mandiri setelah menerima berbagai bimbingan selama masa pembinaan di BRTPD. Hal tersebut ditunjukkan melalui perubahan yang positif dalam diri mereka. Situasi ini menjelaskan bahwa penyandang disabilitas netra telah memiliki kesadaran dan kemauan untuk mengambil keputusannya sendiri. Dengan demikian, program rehabilitasi sosial teridentifikasi sebagai program yang dijalankan sesuai dengan tahapan pemberdayaan.

This study aims to describe the process of social rehabilitation services implemented by the government. The research discusses the appropriateness of social rehabilitation programs related to the empowerment of people with disabilities. The research has conducted at BRTPD, one of the UPTDs at DIY government. The type of this research is qualitative descriptive and supported by 7 informants consists of 2disabilities person who are still active member, 2 disabilities person who are the former in the BRTPD, and 3 persons who have been working as a hall managers. Using interview, observation and documentation (document review) technique for data collection. Furthermore, the collected data is processed through the process of verification and validation of data before it is analyzed qualitatively. The results show that in general social rehabilitation programs are beneficial to the citizen of small-scale social disability netra, proved to be able to give change in the living conditions of the persons with disability netra. They become more confident and self-sufficient after receiving various guidance during the period of construction in BRTPD. It is shown through positive change in themselves. This situation explains that persons with disabilities have no vision have an awareness and a willingness to take its decision on its own. Thus, the social rehabilitation program identified as the program that is run in accordance with the stages of empowerment.

Kata Kunci : rehabilitasi, pemberdayaan, disabilitas

  1. S1-2017-299616-abstract.pdf  
  2. S1-2017-299616-bibliography.pdf  
  3. S1-2017-299616-tableofcontent.pdf  
  4. S1-2017-299616-title.pdf