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AGUS AHMAD SUAIDI, Dr. Arqom Kuswanjono; Prof. Drs. M. Mukhtasar Syamsuddin, M.Hum., Ph.D of Arts

2017 | Disertasi | S3 Ilmu Filsafat

Penelitian ini berjudul "Problem Kejahatan dalam Perspektif Fenomenologi Edmund Husserl : Kontribusinya bagi Penguatan Landasan Filosofis Sila Ketuhanan Yang Maha Esa". Salah satu tantangan perenial yang coba dijawab oleh filsafat adalah the problem of evil yakni hubungan problematis antara eksistensi Tuhan dengan fenomena kejahatan. Fenomena kejahatan telah memunculkan dua problem; logis dan evidensial bagi eksistensi Tuhan. Masalah ini krusial karena telah menjadi penyebab utama prevalensi skeptisisme, agnostisisme, dan ateisme. Teodisi tradisional telah berjuang keras menyediakan pertahanan tesitik, namun pelibatan metafisika dan nalar deduktif religius di dalamnya tidak selalu diterima oleh kalangan yang menuntut rasionalitas argumen. Penelitian ini hendak menguatkan klaim teistik dalam menghadapi problem tersebut dengan penghampiran filosofis berupa fenomenologi Husserl. Hasilnya diharapkan dapat memenuhi kriteria rasional dan membuat orang mempertimbangkan kembali sikap negatifnya terhadap eksistensi Tuhan. Secara khusus, penelitian ini hendak menggambarkan (1) hakikat problem kejahatan melalui pelacakan asas ontologis, epistemologis, dan aksiologisnya, (2) pendekatan fenomenologi Husserl dalam menyelesaikan problem ini, dan (3) kontribusi pendekatan fenomenologi Husserl dalam menyelesaikan problem ini bagi penguatan sila Ketuhanan Yang Maha Esa. Peneiltian kepustakaan ini mengambil objek material problem kejahatan (the problem of evil) dan objek formal fenomenologi Edmund Husserl. Metode-metode analisis yang digunakan adalah ; (1) comparative analysis yang relevan dengan beragamnya karakter sumber data (filosofis, teologis, mistis), (2) hermeneutika untuk menangkap objective geist atau makna terdalam khususnya dari teks filsafat yang dirujuk, dan (3) refleksi fenomenologis untuk menangkap esensi pengalaman. Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa kejahatan (evil) menjadi problem dalam tiga domain; (1) ontologi non-monistik yang disertai monoteisme dengan Tuhan yang Maha Sempurna, (2) pandangan yang lahir dari epistemologi positivistik dan empirisis yang selalu mengandaikan faktualisasi pengalaman, dan (3) aksiologi yang mereduksi makna hidup sebatas Pencapaian apa yang diinginkan bukan keutamaan (virtues) yang sering harus diperoleh melalui apa yang secara faktual tidak diinginkan. Konklusi final penelitian ini adalah bahwa kejahatan bukan ilusi seperti pandangan filsafat Timur pada umumnya, namun juga bukan esensi. Kejahatan adalah datum pengalaman partikualar yang dalam kontinyuitasnya sedang dalam proses "menjadi" menuju telos yaitu kesatuan bersama data prominen atau esensi. Esensi pengalaman yang diraih melalui kesadaran intensional dan metode reduksi ini adalah kebaikan. Inilah givenness atau apa yang diberikan secara langsung pada intuisi dengan melintasi fase atau durasi empiris objek yang dialami. Keterarahan kesadaran pada esensi pengalaman berimplikasi pada deproblematisasi kejahatan sehingga tidak ada alasan untuk mempersoalkan eksistensi Tuhan.

This research entitled "The Problem of Evil From the Perspective of Edmund Husserl's Phenomenology : Its Contribution toward the Reinforcement of The Philosophical Grounds of The Pillar of Belief in One God". Of the perrenial challenges the philosophy has to answer is the problem of evil, namely the problematic relation between God's existence and the phenomena sought as evil. The phenomena of evil aroused two problems, namely ; the logical and evidencial problems of the existence of God. This problem is very crucial because it has become the major cause of the prevalence of skepticism, agnosticism, and atheism. Traditional theodices have been fighting hard to provide many defences of teistic claim, but because of involving too much methaphisycs and deductive religious thought, most of them are not well accepted by circles those demand the rationality of the argumentation. This study aims at reinforcing theistic claim vis a vis the aforementioned problem with philosophical approuch namely Husserl's phenomenology. The results of this research are expected to meet rational public criteria and to be able to make the atheist and the like to reconsider their negative attitude toward God's existence. Specifically, the study would like (1) to figure out the essence of the problem of evil by unveiling its ontological, epistemological, and axiological basis, (2) to know how Edmund Husserl's phenomenology answer the problem of evil, and (3) generate the contribution of Edmund Husserl's phenomenology in answer the problem toward strengthening the pillar of belief in One God. This is a library research whose material object is the problem of evil and the formal object is Edmund Husserl's phenomenology. Among the analytic methods used here are (1) comparative analysis which seems relevan due to the diversity of references' characteristics (philosophical, theological, and mystical), (2) hermeneutics in order to grasp the objective geist of texts refered, and (3) phenomenological reflection in order to come to the essence of experience. The study brings about several conclusions, of them are that evil becomes a problem in three domains ; (1) non-monistic ontology with the belief in strict monoteism, (2) views emerging from positivistic and empirical epistemology that is characterized by factualization of experiences, and (3) an axiology that reduce the meaning of life as grasping wordly pleasure and prospertity instead of virtues which are more likely cultivated in what is factually and empirically unwanted due to human's tendency. The final conclusion is that evil is not an illusion like the tenet of most eastern philosophies yet not an essence of experience either. Evil is but a particular datum of experience which is continuosly in the process of becoming toward its telos, namely unification with prominent data or essence. The essence of experience grasped through intentional consciousness and a method called phenomenological reduction is the good. This is the "givenness", the essence of experience given to intuition by passing over the empirical phases and durations of experiencial objects. The intensionality of the consciousness toward the essence of experience implies on the deproblematization of evil so that there is no reason to question the existence of God.

Kata Kunci : kejahatan, fenomenologi, eksistensi Tuhan, evil, the existence of God