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Strategi Institusi Pendidikan Kesehatan di Yogyakarta dalam Mempersiapkan Tenaga Keperawatan di Era Masyarakat Ekonomi ASEAN:(Studi kasus Program Studi Ilmu Keperawatan UGM dan Universitas Aisyiyah Yo

Ade Melani , Gabriel Lele

2016 | Skripsi | Manajemen dan Kebijakan Publik (dh. Ilmu Administrasi Negara)

ABSTRACT Nurses have the largest portion in the percentage of health worker not only in Indonesia but also globally so the role of the health worker is very important in the process of health services. In the era of AEC, nurses are needed to fill lack of nurses in the ASEAN countries to bring in nurses from the other countries. Lack of nurse in Indonesia will make a great opportunity for nurses from other countries that have better quality. The role of health education institutions are very important to prepare nurses to be ready to compete in the era of AEC and produce high quality nurses with international standards. UGM and Unisa Yogyakarta as an educational institution that organizes nursing education in Yogyakarta have been prepared in order to face the era of AEC. This study used analysis of the strategies in the internationalization of higher education according to Jane Knight, i.e.organizational strategy and program strategy. This study aims to determine the strategy which is conducted by the Nursing Science Program Faculty of Medicine UGM and Nursing Science Program Faculty of Health Sciences Unisa Yogyakarta in preparing nurses in the era of AEC, analyze how big the gap between plans and reality and analyze the supporting factors and obstacles of the implementation of the strategy. This research used qualitative research method. The data collection was done by interview and literature review. Furthermore, the data were analyzed in stages in accordance with the method of Miles and Huberman, i.e. data reduction, triangulation, data presentation and conclusion. The results showed that UGM and Unisa Yogyakarta has prepared nurses through the implementation of the organization's strategy and program strategies. Barriers strategy comes from the internal, i.e. insufficiency of human resource, the difficulty of implementing quality culture, differences in the ability of student comprehension, institution’s facilities were incomplete and the official website of the institution did not give the information that suppose to, and from external barriers comes from guest lecture program as well as the schedule of implementation of the program CFHC-IPE. Furthermore, there were also a supporting factors in the process of implementing strategy that encourages the implementation of the strategy at both institutions. While the gap between planned and actual realizations is not too large because many strategies that have been realized. Key word: AEC, nurse, strategy, strategy program, organizational strategy, Nursing Science Program, UGM, Unisa Yogyakarta

Kata Kunci : Pendidikan Tinggi - Yogyakarta

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