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Efektivitas Komisi Perlindungan Anak Indonesia(KPAI) dalam Mediasi Kasus Cyberbullying pada Anak dan Remaja di Indonesia

Hema Ardria Dandaniti, Gabriel Lele

2016 | Skripsi | Manajemen dan Kebijakan Publik (dh. Ilmu Administrasi Negara)

Abstract Cyberbullying is one of negative impacts of social media using. Nowadays, there are a lot of Indonesian children and adolescents have became victims of cyberbullying. According to The Law of The Republic of Indonesai number 23 of 2002 about Children Protection, National Comission for Child Protection (KPAI) is given mandate to run the effectivity of children protection. One of KPAI responsibilities is taking people’s complaints and helping to solve the cases that reported through the mediation process. This study tries to understand how far the effectivity of mediation process of KPAI in order to solve the cyberbullying cases. Besides, this study also tries to understand the factors that influence the mediation process. This study is using qualitative descriptive method to explain the reality that happened in mediation process and the invented factors that influence the effectivity of mediation process itself. In order to get the valid data, the researcher did interview with some KPAI employees and looked for the secondary datas then analyze the datas and made the conclusion. This study shows the mediation proses of KPAI has not effective yet because KPAI could handle only 20% of all the complaints. The ultimate factors that hamper the effectivity of mediation process are the law and regulations, budgeting, human resources, awareness and cultural society. Key words: Cyberbullying, National Comission for Child Protection (KPAI), mediation, effectivity.

Kata Kunci : Kesejahteraan Anak - Undang-undang dan Peraturan

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