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Perubahan Pekerjaan Wanita dan Implikasi Sosial di Daerah Pariwisata Religius Pantai Ngobaran Desa Kanigoro, Kecamatan Saptosari, Gunungkidul

Elizabeth Grace Simanjuntak, Soeprapto

2015 | Skripsi | Sosiologi

Abstract Ngobaran Beach located in, Yogyakarta is one of many beaches that attract tourists. The increase of visitors from time to time triggers opportunitties for a new job. People who mostly work in agriculture is now turn become a seller in Ngobaran beach. Most seller in Ngobaran Beach is a woman. The shift of profession into seller women make change both in the domestic activities and work. Based on that, the research question is how changes in profession and social implication of women in the area of religious tourism Ngobaran Beach? This research using qualitative method with descriptive approach. Data collected by observation, interviews, written sources, and documentation. Data analysis technicques is data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion. The informants are community leaders, caretaker of Ngobaran Beach, and seller women which divided into two categories, a seller women who have permanent building and a seller women who don’t have permanent building. The results shows that seller women, both categories, have a better income than their previous work and have benefit for the improvement of the economic life of the family. Seller women tend to be more independent and not rely on her husband. Although seller women working for the family, but they were able to balance the domestic activities and work because their working hours are more flexible than before. Seller women are no longer concerned with social activities but rather pay attention to the economic activities. Key words: social change, women, tourism, Ngobaran Beach

Kata Kunci : Perubahan Sosial; Pariwisata

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