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Efektivitas Pemberian Bantuan Program KEluarga Harapan Terhadap Peningkatan Kesejahteraan di Kelurahan Mergosono (Uji Komparasi Kondisi Sebelum dan Sesudah Terlibat dalam Pemberian Bantuan)

Luthfiana Nurani, Hendrie Adji Kusworo

2015 | Skripsi | Pembangunan Sosial dan Kesejahteraan (dh. Ilmu Sosiatri)

ABSTRACT Poverty reduction program remains as the first-lined priority for Indonesian government. The primary cause of it is a large number of civilians are still listed below poverty line, 28.2 million people according to the data of BPS on March 2014. Among every single poverty reduction programs which are available in our country, Cash Conditional Transfer (CCT) still becomes government’s most requently used method comparing to rest methods provided due to its easiness and time efficiency. One of those poverty reduction programs is “Program Keluarga Harapan”. PKH is one of our government’s program that is under the authority of Ministry of Social in which to provide some ammount of money to households that suffer from extreme poverty. There are several criteria for a household to receive this program, for instance; a household which consists of children whose age is between 0 to 6 years old, children under 18 years old that have not yet finished primary education, and pregnant women.Those money is given 4 times in a year or once every 3 months to the selected households and will be stopped when the households’ family members do not longer fulfill criteria that listed above. This research is conducted using quantitative (inferential parametric) method in order to find if the selected households feels any differences whilst they are listed on PKH. The logic is, if those households do not feel any changes within the particular periods especially when they actively receive PKH, then this program is not so effective which means this does not bring any helps to the receivers. As the total of the program’s receivers in Kelurahan Mergosono reachs 316 households, this research involves 50 samples of households from 4 different groups to fulfill the validity level. This research uses questonaires and is processeeded with the help of SPSS to answer the reserch question. To sum up the data proceeding, the result shows that the program’s receivers feels some improvement in extent of knowledge, public facility access, and health from the government. However, some aspects still lacks and needs more improvements for example in the outdated-database, administration system, and weak control system which arises several problems. Those aspects needs to be handled as soon as possible to improve the effectiveness level of this program. Keywords : PKH, evaluation, efectivity, poverty

Kata Kunci : Jaminan Sosial; Bantuan Langsung Tunai

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