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Strategi Lembaga Swadaya Masyarakat dalam Memperjuangkan Hak Penyandang Difabel:(Studi pada Kasus Diskriminasi terhadap Penyandang Difabel dalam Mengikuti Tes Seleksi Aparatur Sipil Negara di Yogyakar

Pandu Baskoro, Soeprapto

2015 | Skripsi | Sosiologi

ABSTRACT There is so much issue are talking about disabilities has been much discussed in Indonesia, but in fact the discrimination experienced by people with disabilities are still going on. One of the case of discrimination experienced by person with disabilities is when they participate in the selection test of Civil State Apparatus (ASN). This situation makes one of the Non Govermental Organization (NGO) Sasana Integrasi dan Advokasi Difabel (SIGAB) perform some steps of strategies to fight for the rights person of disabilities, so that the discrimination experienced by person with disabilities in the process of the selection in ASN test never happen again. This research is sought to identify about how the strategy and measures undertaken by SIGAB in the fight for rights of people with disabilities, is associated with case of discrimination against persons with disabilities in the selection of ASN test in Yogyakarta. The result of this research note that in the fight for rights people with disabilities are discriminated against in the selection test of ASN, SIGAB heavily on the strategy of building networks that the create. In addition, critical engagement strategy was also carried out by SIGAB by doing activities, such as formal and non formal discussion, correspondent with the government, a peaceful protest at the government office, and media control. While the result so far they get from a series of movements that they have done, only a copy of the letter issued by the State Personnel Agency (BKN) to the implementation of the National Selection Committee (PANSELNAS) regarding demands that they convey and letters issued by containing Menkokesra the government's promise to pay more attention to the rights of persons with disabilities in selection tests ASN. Regardless of the results based on the rules, the results of the viii strategy undertaken by SIGAB can also be seen in the form of the creation of a network that includes a group containing members SIGAB and other organizations that merged into a single entity, as well as activists involved active persons with disabilities as well as disability itself in policy formulation and decision making by the government. In the end it can be deduced that in the fight for rights of people with disabilities are discriminated against in the selection tests ASN , SIGAB undertake such a strategy to build a network with other organizations , and critical engagement strategy , which contains therein formal and informal discussions , correspondence with the government , protest in government offices , as well as media control . Keywords : social movements , strategies , disabled

Kata Kunci : Difabel - Yogyakarta

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