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Relasi antar Aktor Pemerintah Kota Yogyakarta dengan Masyarakat & PHRI(Perhimpunan Hotel dan Restoran Indonesia) dalam Keterkaitannya dengan Fenomena Pembangunan Hotel di Kota Yogyakarta

Dhienda Viola Dewintha, Gabriel Lele

2015 | Skripsi | Manajemen dan Kebijakan Publik (dh. Ilmu Administrasi Negara)

ABSTRACT Many pros and cons have risen since the massive construction of hotels in the city of Yogyakarta, most of the cons are complaining about the government decision in granting construction permits. That massive construction has grown in the recent three years, one factor that push the growth is tax incentives given by the Yogyakarta city government. Yogyakarta city government gives tax incentive to investors who will build in the city of Yogyakarta in the form of a tax reduction by 25%. This incentive was addressed to boost tourism growth in Yogyakarta city after the earthquake that shook in 2006. One problem is the impact of that massive development for the future is never subject to review by the government, although the government has issued Perwal No. 77 year 2013 about Moratorium Pembangunan Hotel. But, this Perwal is not effective since many hotels have been built and still dozen will be built in the city of Yogyakarta until 2016. Many impact of that massive growth resulted protests which some was initiated by Warga Berdaya. Warga Berdaya is a community whose members are public, activists and artists who come from anywhere which has a vision of the city of Yogyakarta to become a city friendly-population. The aim of this study is to determine the pattern of relationships that have developed between the government (Dinas Perizinan dan Dinas Pariwisata) against the people of Yogyakarta and PHRI in relation to the phenomenon of the construction of hotels in the city of Yogyakarta. The results showed that the pattern of relations that government licensing agencies and the tourism department to the public still authoritarian, which is tends to cause conflict. In the end, the public is only in a passive position and their role is almost marginalized. The role of Warga Berdaya is to mobilize communities to rise up and reclaim what rightfully belongs to them. PHRI also try to remind the city government to pay more attention to the growth trend of tourists visiting the hotel in order to avoid unwanted effects and impacts of such massive hotel growth for the city of Yogyakarta. Keywords: hotels development, relation, government, Warga Berdaya

Kata Kunci : Government

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